Reasonable Adjustment Plan

A Reasonable Adjustment Plan is a means of notifying staff of any reasonable adjustments recommended to reduce the impact of your condition/s on your studies. The plan is developed in partnership between you and an AccessAbility Advisor.

The Reasonable Adjustment Plan is:

  • Provided to you in electronic format so it’s easy for you to forward to the relevant staff.
  • Created in consultation with you and based on current supporting medical documentation.
  • Focused on the impact of your condition/s on your studies and any recommended adjustments – they usually do not include your diagnosis.
  • Often used as supporting documentation for extensions of time for assessment items.

Academic staff can access additional resources and discuss adjustment requests with AccessAbility to ensure the requests and needs are being met appropriately. However, adjustments should not compromise academic integrity, or lower standards within the course or program.

If an adjustment is deemed ‘not reasonable’ under the Act, the education provider is not obliged to fulfil the request, even if it means that the student cannot participate in the course or program.