Avoid scams

Scams & Risks

Ask the right questions

  • What is your name and what company do you represent?
  • Who owns your company?
  • What is your address?

If they avoid answering these questions, the deal they are offering you is probably a scam.

Do your own checks

  • Always do your own research on a company
  • Check the company’s Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence

Protect your personal information

  • Do not give out any personal, banking or credit card information to anyone
  • Check your bank and credit card statements every month
  • Destroy all documents with your personal information on them
  • Choose passwords that are hard to work out and never share your password with anyone else
  • Avoid using the same password
  • Be careful what you post online and, if you can, try to limit what you share.
  • Make sure your privacy settings are up to date on social media accounts and share personal information with ‘friends only’

Secure your computer and mobile device by using private passwords

  • Delete and do not open any unsolicited or suspicious emails you receive, and if you have opened them, do not click on any links in these emails.
  • Enable security settings on your computer and mobile devices and install current anti-virus programs.

Reduce telemarketing calls

  • You can put your name on the Do Not Call Register to remove your name from telemarketing phone lists.

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