Career Ready Placement (Work Experience, Internship etc)

Career-ready Placements (Work Experience, Internships etc)

The University of Newcastle has a general insurance program that extends to cover the range of people, activities and equipment involved in the delivery of teaching and research. While there is no single insurance policy that can offer cover to Students who participate in the range of placement activities with Host /Professional Experience Providers (Employers), Students should be aware of the role that insurance can – and can’t – play in the event of an incident while they are under the control and supervision of their Provider.

For more information please refer:

Placement Insurance Summary

(Key information regarding cover, general limits, exclusions and Claims.)

(For specific information, questions or concerns relating to Insurance)

To request a Certificate of Currency for placement Experience, email with the following:

  • Email Subject Line: Placement Experience Certificate of Currency request
  • Name of Student Member making the Request.
  • Name of Course
  • Name of School
  • Name and Role of staff member approving the experience
  • Name of Organisation requesting / requiring the Certificate of Currency
  • Reason the 3rd party requires the Certificate of Currency
  • Any validation / authorisation that supports the approval of the activity that is the subject of the request.