Activities – Stage One

Stage 1 covers the first year of the Ma & Morley Scholarship Program, when 29 new Scholars joined the Program. The theme of the year was to connect, and the Scholars took part in a range of activities to build connection between themselves, with the Program values and with the wider Ma & Morley family.

Core program activities

The 29 new Ma & Morley Scholars were welcomed to the University through a two-day Welcome Program on Callaghan campus. Scholars participated in sessions that connected them with the values of the Program and with each other, and these sessions were led by current Ma & Morley Scholars. They also participated in a formal Welcome Lunch, where they met and networked with leaders from across the University of Newcastle.

The Welcome Program opened my eyes to the cultures, values, and experiences of others. In doing this, the Program profoundly expanded my understanding of the human experience. The Program also gave me the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone through meeting and sharing with so many new people, which improved my ability to build relationships, which I really look forward to developing throughout the Program.

2022 Ma & Morley Scholar

The University partnered with the Jack Ma Foundation and Hangzhou Normal University to provide eye-opening cultural experiences that echoed Jack Ma’s initial life-changing trip to Australia. These were delivered via a hybrid approach, using both digital and face-to-face activities and included a live virtual tour of the Alibaba Group campus in Hangzhou and an online cultural exchange with students from Hangzhou Normal University.

We have all gained a deeper understanding of Jack Ma's role within the program and his origins. Listening to how highly his employees spoke of him demonstrated how dedicated he is to other people's lives, and how generosity and friendship can start something special… something very special.

Caitlin Ping,
2022 Ma & Morley Scholar
and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) student

Scholars experienced 2 days on-country at Murrook Culture Centre and Mt Sugarloaf. Day 1 involved exploring Worimi country, including the sand dunes at Birubi Point, hearing stories, learning about culture and participating in the Broken Journey workshop. After dinner, Scholars connected around the campfire before camping at Murrook. Day 2 was spent at Mt Sugarloaf, west of Newcastle, learning about connection to each other, country, cultural significance and use of different plants and an introduction to leadership with Uncle Paul Gordon and David Newham.

The immersion deepened my understanding of indigenous history, connection to country and culture. I now have a much greater appreciation for the cultural significance of our local environment, which has even further deepened my respect for it.

Stage 1 Scholar

The annual celebration of the Scholars’ journeys was able to return to being more inclusive this year. Scholars and Ambassadors gathered at the Great Hall at the University with many inspiring people with whom they have collaborated throughout the year, to reflect on their action and growth, and celebrate the progress they have made. Their stories and messages were shared with the rest of the Ma & Morley family, Program stakeholders and the University community through both the face-to-face event and online live streaming for those who were unable to join us.

Other Leadership Program activities

The Scholars were also invited to take part across the year in various activities and learning opportunities, which were linked to the values of the Program, including the Ambassador Program panel discussions, Stage 3 Action Projects and joining Judy Morley at the Newcastle International Women’s Day Dinner