Staff input and feedback

There are many ways for staff to provide feedback to senior management and to have input into the direction of the University. From University-wide surveys and Q&A sessions, to less formal feedback through managers and directors, the leadership team welcomes your considered thoughts and suggestions.

Campus Conversations for the Curious

Campus Conversations for the Curious

Campus Conversations for the Curious provide staff with an informal opportunity to engage with senior leaders around matters of interest to the University, campus or work area. Conversations will be led by members of the Executive Committee and Leadership Group.

Your voice matters

Your voice matters

Input from staff is helping to shape the employment experience, improve operations and ultimately our performance. The voice of our workforce is evident in our long term strategy and day-to-day operations and much in between.

Be heard - use your voice

Be heard - use your voice

Your Voice is a confidential, online survey run by external consultants. It is one of the main sources of insight into the employment experience at the University of Newcastle and informs our workforce strategies and actions. Your Voice also gives valuable insight into the experience of our employees against industry benchmarks.

Organisational review and change

Organisational review and change

There are opportunities for staff who are directly and indirectly impacted, to provide input into organisational unit reviews and program reviews. In addition, the University of Newcastle organisational change processes include a period of staff consultation with their managers.

Strategic plan feedback

Our strategy is shaped with input from the University of Newcastlecommunity. Ongoing input from staff is vital to help prioritise and focus our efforts to achieve the agreed objectives. Staff can email their thoughts and ideas on the strategic plan and our progress or provide feedback through managers or directors.