News and events


News • 12 Aug 2020

Growing numbers of health students choose to “go rural” in 2021

The University of Newcastle’s Department of Rural Health has seen a significant jump in the number of allied health students choosing to go rural in 2021, showing the increasing popularity of rural locations among domestic undergraduate students.

News • 20 Jul 2020

Tests show potential for medicinal cannabis to kill cancer cells

Laboratory tests conducted at the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute have shown that a modified form of medicinal cannabis can kill or inhibit cancer cells without impacting normal cells, revealing its potential as a treatment rather than simply a relief medication.

News • 27 Mar 2020

High levels of iron in the lung linked to increased asthma severity

A new study, led by Jay Horvat, Associate Professor of Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Newcastle and HMRI Australia, is the first to show a relationship between iron build up in the lung cells and tissues and the severity of asthma.

News • 23 Jan 2019

Funding signals new hope for multiple sclerosis treatment

Hunter researchers will help advance vital prevention and treatment methods for thousands of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) following a funding announcement today from MS Research Australia.

News • 16 Feb 2017

Biomedical Science offers new study pathways

UON’s Bachelor of Biomedical Science now offers three new majors, each uniquely tailored to students’ career aspirations.From 2017, our biomedical science students can choose to pursue a major in advanced medical research, industry, commerce, and education, or medicine and health practice.

News • 28 Oct 2016

Heart Health Study recruiting people with Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers from the University of Newcastle (UON) and John Hunter Hospital are looking for volunteers to take part in a clinical trial which will examine use of curcumin and/or omega-3 fats for lowering cardiovascular disease risk in people with type 2 diabetes.

News • 23 Jun 2016

Protein implicated as key and common cause in respiratory illness

Hunter researchers have discovered a protein that induces both stiffening and inflammation in the airways of the lung, causing severe and chronic respiratory illness.

News • 6 Apr 2016

UON awarded Lung Cancer Fellowship

Professor Phil Hansbro, School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, has been awarded a substantial grant for a co-funded Fellowship in Lung Cancer Research.

News • 12 Jan 2015

$1 million in Cancer Council NSW project grants

Two University of Newcastle (UON) cancer researchers from the School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy in the Faculty of Health and Medicine have been awarded more than $1 million in Cancer Council NSW project grants for 2015.

News • 31 Mar 2014

UON unveils $17.3m medical sciences teaching and research precinct

The University of Newcastle today opened the doors to its state-of-the-art medical sciences precinct offering technology-enabled teaching facilities and laboratories to researchers, students and the region's health care workforce.

News • 24 Mar 2014

Fruit-and-veg capsule set to combat obesity impacts

Hunter Medical Research Institute researchers are examining whether a simple fruit-and-vegetable supplement, taken in capsule form, can reduce inflammation produced by fat cells and thereby lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, asthma and cancers in overweight people.

News • 25 Feb 2014

DNA protein targeted in ovarian cancer chemo test

University of Newcastle researcher Dr Nikola Bowden is investigating a DNA repair protein that is implicated in ovarian cancer tumours becoming resistant to chemotherapy, with hopes of eventually developing a prognostic test and more tailored treatments.


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