Workforce Resilience Cluster


The Newcastle Business School’s Workforce Resilience cluster brings together researchers from the School who have an active research interest in the areas related to the changes in the future of work, worker and the workplace. The impact of environmental and technological disruptions affects business, workforce resilience and well-being outcomes. The Cluster’s work also aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and research priorities within the management disciplines of the business school. The cluster is open to researchers from other disciplines working on topics such as:

  • Impact of Artificial intelligence on the nature of work, worker and workplace
  • Impact of environmental turbulence and disruptive technologies on the nature of work, worker and workplace
  • Use of HR Analytics and algorithmic management on workforce resilience and employee well-being
  • Holistic and sustainable employee performance management
  • Reimaging employee experience management
  • Strategic and operational issues regarding the adoption of technologies and workplace change following environmental and technological change
  • Talent supply chain management
  • Employees as co-creators of value and experience

Workforce Resilience

Hear from cluster members about the great work conducted by this Research Cluster

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The Workforce Resilience cluster aims to drive new research agendas for enhancing our understanding of how environmental disruptions impact business and people management at work. A related focus is designing and implementing human resource management practices that can positively influence workforce resilience and well-being. By adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, the cluster is open to novel perspectives that scholars from other disciplinary orientations may bring to the cluster and contribute to its core research agenda.

Cluster Leader

Associate Professor Ashish Malik

Ashish's academic qualifications, training and professional experience, lie in the fields Human Resources Management (HRM) and Industrial Relations. His novel approach to solving people management problems delivers high-quality, peer-reviewed research, with both academic and practical impacts.


The workplace resilience cluster meets regularly to share common and specialist knowledge, interact with internal/external collaborators and deliver thematic research workshops. In addition, we work together to share ideas for developing research projects, assist with grant writing, facilitate collaborations, and hold an annual Symposium. Members of this cluster have published in top-tier journals, such as the Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management, Human Resource Management Review, Human Resource Management (US), Human Resource Management Journal (UK), Journal of Applied Psychology, Applied Psychology, British Journal of Management, Journal of Industrial Relations, International Journal of HRM, Journal of International Management, Journal of Organisation Behaviour, Journal of Business Research, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others.

Cluster members