Transmission Electron Microscopy

This multi-task platform can analyse ultra-thin sections or particles, which enables morphological imaging from tissue to atomic level. It can also deliver compositional analysis, elemental mapping and crystalline phase determination.  It supports advanced material manufacturing, next-generation energy storage solutions, environmental remediation, industrial catalysts, molecule and drug deliver design, and biomedical research.

Transmission Electron Microscopy

Is a analytical electron microscope that supports a variety of scientific fields, from biology to material sciences.

Technical specifications:

  • High resolution imaging capability with lattice resolution of 0.19 nm under TEM mode
  • High resolution polepiece to allow TEM imaging at atomic resolution.
  • STEM BF/DF imaging
  • SDD EDS detector for elemental spectrum and mapping
  • Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and nano beam diffraction (NBD)
  • Operating voltage 200KV, 120KV, 80KV
  • Low background, double tilting specimen holder
  • Gatan Orius SC1000 CCD camera

Coming in December 2022

Multipurpose, cold field emission S/TEM system capable of imaging at atomic resolution in both conventional and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) modes.

Supports imaging and other analytical needs of life science, soft matter and materials science research.

Technical specifications

  • Cold Field Emission Electron Gun (CFEG) with high stability, brightness, and energy resolution
  • High Resolution OL polepiece supports HR imaging capability with lattice resolution of 0.10 nm under TEM mode and 0.14 nm under STEM HAADF mode.
  • High Resolution OL In-gap Aperture system for high contrast imaging in life and soft matter sciences
  • Four-stage probe-forming optical system that controls the intensity and the convergence angle of electron beam independently, to respond to different research requirements
  • Gatan Rio 16 4K resolution CMOS camera
  • Operating voltage 200 KV, 120KV
  • Intuitive user interface specifically designed for analytical electron microscopy
  • Single tilt autoloader system and motorized aperture control for easy-to-use operation
  • Cryogenic transfer colder for S/TEM imaging on life and soft matter science specimen under cryogenic conditions