Explore our Research Centres
Delivering world class research
Research at the University of Newcastle is supported by a collaborative network of institutes and centres.
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University Institutes
Hunter Medical Research Institute
The Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) supports the Hunter's internationally recognised health and medical research, education and training. HMRI is a multidisciplinary partnership between the University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Local Health District and the community. Established in 1998, HMRI facilitates collaborations between researchers translating scientific advances into better clinical care, competitive commercial products and improved health care guidelines.
Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources
At the Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER), multidisciplinary teams are driving productivity and sustainability gains through applied research focused on innovation that is delivering transformational solutions in sectors of national significance.
Australian Research Council (ARC) centres
Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals
This Centre will transform the minerals industry, establishing a new generation of research leaders to support the innovation needed in creating a green economy for future generations.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) centres
Australia Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence (ACRE)
The Australia Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence (ACRE) is Australia's first federally funded research centre in medicinal cannabinoids. It brings together researchers from more than 10 institutions to build capacity in medicinal cannabis research and provide a national response to current challenges.
This NHMRC-funded centre will develop a well-governed collaborative strategy to generate world-class research in medicinal cannabis. It will also be pivotal in establishing Australia as a world leader in appropriately balanced implementation of medicinal cannabinoid uptake in specialist and primary health care settings.
Centre of Research Excellence for Venom and Antivenom
The Centre of Research Excellence in Translational Venom and Antivenom Research is a collaboration of five Australian universities and two Sri Lankan universities and brings together experts in the fields of venom and antivenom research. The Centre will focus on snake envenoming and the effectiveness and safety of antivenom. Central to improving the treatment of snake bite is the early identification of envenoming as there is increasing evidence that early administration of antivenom is the key to good outcomes. Key to achieving this aim is the development of a cheap, quick bedside test for envenoming and this will be one of the main objectives of the Centre.
Centre of Research Excellence in Asthma Treatable Traits
The NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Asthma Treatable Traits (CREATT) aims to revolutionise the management of chronic airway diseases by testing and implementing a new paradigm for personalised medicine.
Building on outcomes of the Centre of Excellence in Severe Asthma and its ground-breaking toolkit, CREATT is a consortium of world-renowned clinicians, researchers and respiratory organisations who are generating new knowledge to support the treatable traits approach and ensure translation into practice.
Centre of Research in Digestive Health
The NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Digestive Health aims to improve quality of life for patients with unexplained chronic gastrointestinal disorders. It brings together clinical researchers from universities, hospitals and research institutions across Australia and beyond.
The centre supports research, training, multidisciplinary collaboration, and translation of findings to enhance our understanding, identification and management of chronic digestive diseases.
National Centre of Implementation Science
The centre brings together a multi-disciplinary team of emerging and established researchers to generate evidence that helps fast-track the adoption of interventions for chronic disease prevention.
Partner organisations for this NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence include the University of Sydney, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Monash University, Central Queensland University and Neuroscience Research Australia.
Cooperative Research Centres (CRC)
Hosted Cooperative Research Centres (CRC)
Soil CRC
The Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC) is bringing together scientists, industry and farmers to find practical solutions for Australia’s underperforming soils. The Soil CRC aims to enable farmers to increase their productivity and profitability by providing them with knowledge and tools to improve the performance of their soils. It is the biggest collaborative soil research effort in Australia’s history, with 39 Participants that contribute to the Soil CRC through both cash and in-kind contributions.
Partner Cooperative Research Centres (CRC)
This Cooperative Research Centre aims to help Australia’s heavy industry sector compete in the low-carbon global economy by developing solutions to help reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
The sector processes minerals such as iron, steel, and aluminium which support the production of critical materials for day-to-day life and makes a significant contribution to Australia’s industrial sovereignty. The HILT CRC will focus on overcoming barriers to the sector’s low-carbon transition.
iMove CRC
The Australian Transport Cooperative Research Centre, known as the iMOVE CRC, is a national transport research and development centre dedicated to providing a coordinated approach to Australian transport research.
It is a consortium of more than 40 industry, government and research partners engaged in a 10-year effort to improve Australia’s transport systems. It aims to deliver solutions that help reduce road congestion, fuel use, emissions, accidents and fatalities. It also works to improve freight co-ordination, productivity, international competitiveness, and overall lifestyle.
The MinEx Cooperative Research Centre is working to develop more productive, safer and more environmentally friendly drilling methods for critical deposits that lie beneath sand, soil and sediment. It is also investing the development of new exploration tools and new ways to deploy those tools, to support longer-term sustainability and safety in the sector.
SmartCrete CRC
Concrete is the second most used material on earth after water and is a fundamental element of our built environment. The SmartCrete Cooperative Research Centre provides a nationally coordinated and collaborative platform for research and development in Australia.
It brings together leading industry partners, research institutions, agencies and associations to focus on innovation in engineered solutions, asset management and sustainability.
Multi-Institutional Research Centres
Australian Gastrointestinal Research Alliance
The Australian Gastrointestinal Research Alliance (AGIRA), led by Laureate Professor Nick Talley and Professors Marjorie Walker (Newcastle) and Gerald Holtmann (Brisbane) is a coalition of researchers in gastrointestinal (GI) disease who have expertise in clinical medicine and gastroenterology, mucosal immunology, translational science, pathology, imaging, psychology, and epidemiology in aspects of GI disease in Australia.
Research Centres
College of Engineering, Science and Environment
Advanced Cyber Security Research Centre
The overall aim of the Advanced Cyber Security Research Centre (ACSRC) is to achieve fundamental advances in the theory, design and management of models and techniques that would enable secure and dependable computing information systems and services.
An important characteristic of ACSRC is its research capabilities and expertise covering both theory and practice in addressing the challenges that arise in achieving secure systems in a heterogeneous mobile distributed environment involving distributed systems, wireless, broadband and peer to peer networks, mobile devices and distributed information services.
BHP Centre for Sustainable Steelmaking Research
With the global shift to low-carbon iron and steelmaking technologies, the BHP Centre for Sustainable Steelmaking Research is at the forefront of innovation in low-carbon cokemaking, modified blast furnace and alternative iron and steelmaking processes.
Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies
The Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies (CBSPT) is actively involved in both fundamental and applied research on a range of problems associated with bulk solids and particulate technology. Research areas include storage, flow, processing and transportation of bulk solids. CBSPT also provides specialist courses for industry through its professional development programs.
Centre for Critical Minerals and Urban Mining
The Centre for Critical Minerals and Urban Mining is concerned with the science and engineering of particulate systems relevant to industries of national significance, such as in the mineral resources area. We seek to develop faster and more efficient separation technologies, and technologies for the manufacture, storage, and transport of particles.
Centre for Geotechnical Science and Engineering
The Centre for Geotechnical Science and Engineering develops new models and innovative computational methods for predicting the behaviour of geomaterials, metals and composites. Advanced computational methods, coupled with laboratory and field testing are key tools in this pursuit.
Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies
The Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies conducts cutting edge research on emerging energy technologies, with particular focus on the abatement of greenhouse gases, and clean and sustainable energy production.
Global Centre for Environmental Remediation (GCER)
The Global Centre for Environmental Remediation (GCER) aims to safeguard people's social, economic and physical health and wellbeing by developing innovative, cost-effective and sustainable technologies and solutions that reduce the impact of pollutants on the environment.
Global Innovative Centre for Advanced Nanomaterials (GICAN)
Innovation in materials science and research to develop advanced technologies and solutions for the global energy, environment and health sectors.

HunterWiSE is an initiative that establishes mentorship avenues for women in STEM throughout the Hunter region; promoting positive collaboration and sharing of experiences.
Infrastructure Performance and Reliability
The Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability (CIPAR) is at the international forefront in assessing the reliability, safety, durability and management of buildings, bridges, pipelines, aviation, and other infrastructure systems. The pioneering research at CIPAR includes risk and reliability assessment, corrosion of infrastructure, and structural masonry.
Mass and Thermal Transport in Engineering Materials
The Centre for Mass and Thermal Transport in Engineering Materials has a very strong research capability in the theory and simulation of mass and thermal transport in a wide variety of materials ranging from disordered and ordered multicomponent alloys to cation-mixed oxides, from metal/ceramic composites to fast ion conductors.
Medical Engineering Research
The Centre has a strong program of medical engineering research spanning applications including medical signal processing, image analysis, virtual reality in medical settings, artificial organs, precision mechatronics, personalised medicine and intelligent implants.
Organic Electronics
The Centre for Organic Electronics is focused on the scientific challenges in the development of organic photovoltaics for the next generation of environmentally friendly energy sources, photonics and biosensors.
Plant Science
The Centre for Plant Science is focused on the physiological and molecular mechanisms associated with the regulation of nutrient transport in higher plants.
Secure and Reliable Communications
The Centre for Secure and Reliable Communications contributes to developing telecommunication networks that are robust to eavesdropping attacks, interference, and noise.
Space Physics
The Centre for Space Physics examines space weather to better understand its impact on billions of dollars’ worth of spacecraft and related infrastructure.
Urban and Regional Studies
The Centre for Urban and Regional Studies engages in research focused on the complex political, economic, social, cultural and environmental processes and relations transforming cities and regions.
Water Security and Environmental Sustainability
Water controls Australia’s well-being, environmental health and economy. The Centre for Water Security and Environmental Sustainability (CWSES) is a strategic initiative that builds upon research strengths of ERA 5 groups. It brings together key researchers in Civil, Surveying and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences.
Water, Climate and Land
The Centre for Water, Climate and Land focuses on understanding and dealing with the impacts of climate variability and change in the Asia-Pacific region. Of particular interest are hydrological extremes and how these may change in the future.
Family Action Centre
The Family Action Centre (FAC) is a research, teaching and practice centre focused on families and their communities. The Centre has a 30 year track record of innovative, dynamic and enduring work that aims to strengthen family and community wellbeing. The assets and diverse resources of families and communities underpin vibrant, cohesive and resilient societies. The FAC is committed to addressing the factors that affect the health, wellbeing, social and educational paths of families, particularly for those challenged by increasingly complex vulnerabilities.
College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing
Building Science Technology and Sustainability
Building Science, Technology and Sustainability research provides internationally recognised research and knowledge in sustainable infrastructure and building design, construction and management through a multi-inter-trans-disciplinary approach
Central Coast Research Institute for Integrated Care (CCRI)
The Central Coast Research Institute (CCRI) is a joint venture of the University of Newcastle and Central Coast Local Health District. The CCRI aims to deliver pioneering research relevant to improving the health and wellbeing of the Central Coast community and beyond, focusing on the design, implementation and evaluation of new models of person-centred integrated care.
Centre for Construction Safety and Well-being
The Centre for Construction Safety and Well-being (CCSW) is a collaboration between the University of Newcastle and construction company Hansen Yuncken, located within the university's School of Architecture and Built Environment.
Centre for Digestive Health and Gastroenterology
The Centre for Digestive Health and Gastroenterology brings together multi-disciplinary team which aims to effectively diagnose and treat common functional gut disorders (dyspepsia and IBS), neuromuscular diseases of the gut and eosinophil-driven chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal conditions through technologically advanced research which has identified novel pathophysiological mechanisms.
Centre for Drug Repurposing and Medicines Research
The Centre for Drug Repurposing & Medicines Research is committed to improve quality, safety, efficacy and timelines for bringing the most effective drug therapies to patients.
Centre for Prevention, Implementation and Population Health
Centre for Prevention, Implementation and Population Health uses intervention and service delivery to promote healthy behaviours and good quality healthcare across communities.
Centre for Rehab Innovations
The University of Newcastle’s Centre for Rehab Innovations (CRI) is a Centre of Excellence in technology-enabled health care innovations and rehabilitation research.
Centre for Women's Health Research
The Centre for Women's Health Research brings together academics and clinicians working in women’s health research and consumers with a passion for women’s health to research the factors that affect the health and wellbeing of women across the life course.
Global Centre for Gynaecological Diseases
The Global Centre for Gynaecological Diseases is a world-leading research centre focused on improving the gynaecological health of women and aims to pioneer a personalised approach to the prevention, detection, and treatment of gynaecological diseases.
Global Centre for Research and Training in Radiation Oncology
The Global Centre is the first of its kind. With the support of industry partners and collaborators, the centre delivers education, research and training to domestic and international clinicians and students.
Health Services
The Health Services Research and Innovation Centre (HSRIC) aims to improve the design and management health services with particular emphasis interdisciplinary approaches to addressing critical challenges.
Indigenous Knowledge Research Network
The Indigenous Knowledge research network is led by Indigenous academics, researchers, and Community knowledge-holders with the aim to respond to the needs and interests that support and promote the unique perspectives, knowledge and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Mark Hughes Foundation Centre for Brain Cancer Research
The Mark Hughes Foundation Centre for Brain Cancer Research is committed to finding a cure and improving the lives of those affected by brain cancer. We aim to advance brain cancer research and achieve the greatest impact for brain cancer patients and their families.
Resources Health and Safety
The Centre for Resources Health and Safety draws on the multidisciplinary expertise of University researchers spanning disciplines including workplace health and safety, psychology, psychiatry, respiratory studies and environmental impacts, to meet sector demand in this area and facilitate industry and government collaborations for the benefit of communities in resource intensive regions.
College of Human and Social Futures
College Groups and Networks
College of Engineering, Science and Environment
Coastal and Marine Science
The Coastal and Marine Science (CaMS) Research Group is a cross-disciplinary team dedicated to improving the health and sustainability of our coastal and marine environments and the societies that depend upon them. The research spans across urban catchment environments, coastal waterways and lakes to the ocean; extending geographically from tropical to temperate locales.
Conservation Science
The Conservation Science Research Group at The University of Newcastle consists of a team of internationally recognised experts in biodiversity conservation with project experience in the natural environment and biodiversity; environmental monitoring, restoration ecology, behavioural ecology and cognition, instrumentation and analysis; marine pollution impacts; and sustainable adaptation in agriculture and forestry.
Environmental Engineering
Engineers are developing new innovative computer and other models to provide methods of assessment of environmental impacts and management of disturbed ecosystems.
Environmental Plastic Innovation Cluster
EPIC conducts cutting-edge research on the risk assessment of legacy plastics and plastic-alternate products. Our vision is to ensure that plastic-alternative materials are environmentally sustainable and safe, leading to better planetary health.
Environmental Water Science
Our research group study water’s importance to ecosystems and humans, its use and management as a resource, and its modification through contamination and pollution.
Food Science
The University of Newcastle’s Food Science Research Group combines active research scientists involved in food, plant and marine science, human nutrition and agribusiness, delivering quality research and research education opportunities of relevance to the sector.
i3Lab – Interaction, Interfaces, Invention
Human-Computer Interaction research that explores how advanced interactive technologies are applied to real-world problems. The i3 Lab addresses industry-relevant problems where significant value can be gained by the invention of new solutions related to the complex interactions that occur between the humans, computers and data.
Interdisciplinary Machine Learning
The Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group (IMLRG) investigates aspects of machine learning, pattern recognition and data analysis in theory, experiments and applications. Particular emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary projects.
Medical Physics
The Medical Physics Research Group comprises physicists based within the Radiation Oncology Department, Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital. We are a member of the Centre for Information Based Medicine, University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute. We are closely aligned with the Prostate Cancer Trials Group and the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) which organise and conduct clinical trials throughout Australasia.
Newcastle Robotics Laboratory
The Newcastle Robotics Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research and training initiative of several robotics related research teams from different research areas including applied mathematics, architecture, computer science, control, electrical engineering, neuroscience, mechatronics and software engineering.
College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing
Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
The Discipline of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is a multidisciplinary group of medicines experts spanning the scientific, clinical and social science aspects of medicines development, clinical trials regulation, pricing, clinical use of medicines and pharmaceutical policy.
Clinical Radiation Research
In Radiation Oncology, one patient's care is managed by many: radiation oncologists (doctors), medical physics specialists, radiation therapists and nurses. Administration staff manage the complex task of fitting in so many people to receive their treatment and follow-up, and Clinical Trials Coordinators make sure that when study participants agree to take part in a trial, they know what to expect.
Clinical Toxicology
The Clinical Toxicology Research Group focuses on improving understanding of poisoning and envenoming in patients and undertaking studies to determine the effectiveness of antidotes and antivenoms in treatment of these conditions.
College of Human and Social Futures
PhD scholarships and opportunities
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The University of Newcastle acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai, Worimi, Wonnarua, and Eora Nations. We also pay respect to the wisdom of our Elders past and present.