New partnership delivers a different way of connecting science to practice

Friday, 2 September 2022

The University of Newcastle is very proud to announce a partnership with Alluvium Consulting Australia to jointly deliver the Centre for Water, Climate and Land (CWCL) program.

New partnership delivers a different way of connecting science to practice

As a leading research institution, the University is committed to growing partner-led collaborations to tackle climate change and protect the health and wellbeing of the communities facing its effects. The CWCL program builds on the research undertaken through the University’s Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER), focusing on understanding and managing the impacts of climate variability and change in the Asia-Pacific region. Of particular interest are hydroclimatic extremes (droughts, floods, bushfires, tropical cyclones, and East Coast Lows) and how these may change in the future.

Other areas of expertise include characterising impacts of climate variability and change, seasonal/interannual hydroclimate forecasting, extreme event risk analysis, hydrological modelling, stochastic modelling, water resources management and climate-smart agriculture.

As part of this arrangement Lisa Walpole (from Alluvium) will join Associate Professor Anthony Kiem (from the University of Newcastle) as a co-leader of the CWCL program. This partnership enables Alluvium to be involved in the most recent science and applied research being undertaken in the water, climate and land space, as part of their Research & Insights program.

The partnership provides the University of Newcastle with an avenue to effectively embed the latest thinking about climate change science and hydrology into industry best practice. It will also enable staff and students to build on collaboration and engagement with industry/government stakeholders and provide enhanced work integrated learning opportunities, equipping our students with both the technical skills and leadership qualities necessary to help build the future prosperity of our regions.

University of Newcastle Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Zee Upton, commented on the importance of partnering with industry for research translation, which is essential for addressing important challenges facing our world.

“These valued collaborations enable the innovation, scientific and technological advances required to drive change that benefits the sustainability of the region’s key industries.”

“Our partnership with Alluvium through the Centre for Water, Climate and Land, will strengthen our collective capacity to deliver research with impact that supports the resilience of our regions and our environment.”

“We look forward to progressing the collaboration, and to realising the benefits that will stem from the partnership through research, student and industry engagement,” Prof. Upton said.

The fastest growing part of Alluvium’s business is associated with climate resilience policy, strategy and planning, and this partnership will further enhance Alluvium’s value proposition through more informed and evidence-based science, economics and engineering thinking. The partnership will also enhance connections with government agencies in this important area of policy.

Dr Matt Francey, CEO of Alluvium, said the partnership was a large step in their aim to improve the translation of science to practice.

“The challenge of transferring science to practice is commonly described, often frustrating to those involved and absolutely necessary to address if we want to manage the relationships between communities and the environment. At Alluvium we aspire to operate in this space which drives us to work with researchers, fund our own research and most importantly maintain a culture with our people that encourages and supports that goal.”

“The partnership with the University of Newcastle and the Centre for Water, Climate and Land is a step change for us. It will allow a true exchange of ideas, people and aspirations.”

“We are excited by this opportunity and thank everyone who has helped make the partnership happen.”

More information about opportunities for involvement in this University of Newcastle and Alluvium partnership will be available shortly.

To learn more about this partnership and the CWCL’s research activities please visit the CWCL webpage or contact Anthony Kiem (CWCL program Co-Lead)

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