International Visiting Fellowship Scheme now open

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Global engagement is a key theme of the NeW Futures Strategic Plan. The International Research Visiting Fellowship scheme, offered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), provides UON researchers with an opportunity to host an international research scholar of high professional standing and profile for a short-term visit.

IRVF successes

In addition to visitors undertaking intensive collaborative engagement with local researchers, research hosts are also required to organise and promote a research seminar or public talk at which the international visitor would present on the emerging collaboration and the key research topic that underpins it.

Whilst attracting international visitors to UON is the key focus of this scheme, the Selection Panel will consider requests for UON researchers to visit a prominent overseas institution if they are able to demonstrate that the visit would be highly strategic and would likely lead to UON’s collaboration on an application for international research funding.

A key objective for the 2018 round is to support strong applications from our Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and Mid-Career Researchers (MCRs), and the recruitment of potential external high calibre applicants for major national (ARC/NHMRC) fellowship schemes.

Applications for the 2018 scheme are now open. Read more about previous visitors.

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