Post-doc opportunity to join Prof Joanna Bourke

Friday, 8 February 2019

This is an exciting opportunity for an outstanding postdoctoral researcher to join The University of Newcastle's Global Innovation Chair in the Centre for the History of Violence, Prof. Joanna Bourke, at Birkbeck University of London, on a new project on ‘Sexual Violence, Medicine, and Psychiatry’.

Post-doc opportunity to join Prof Joanna Bourke

The project brings together an interdisciplinary team to investigate the medical and psychiatry aspects of sexual violence, including rape and sexual abuse. Working in close collaboration with the team, the postdoctoral researcher will undertake research on any aspect of sexual violence that involves the medical and/or psychiatric professions. The Fellow’s research should be linked to at least one of five research streams: medicine and the law or the medical jurisprudence of sexual violence; the role of medical professionals (including police surgeons, FMEs, nurses, physicians, psychiatrists, forensic scientists, and so on); psychiatric classification systems (sexual violence as conceptualized in psychiatric texts); psychiatric aftermaths of abuse; and child sexual abuse.

Visit the Birkbeck website for more information.

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