Chinese New Year 2022 - The year of the Tiger

中国的十二生肖代表了十二种动物,他们的顺序是:鼠、牛、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。今年是虎年,虎年是根据中国传统历法来确定的。 The Chinese zodiac represents twelve animals in the following orders: Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This year is the Year of the Tiger, which is determined by the traditional Chinese lunar calendar.


The tiger symbolizes majesty and power in China. Although the "lion" is regarded as the king of the beasts in the West, the king of the jungle was actually associated with the tiger in ancient China. China regards the tiger as a mysterious and inviolable animal since ancient times. The pattern on the tiger's forehead forms the Chinese character “Wang” (王) (which means “King”). The Chinese people cleverly took the pattern on its forehead and used it as a Chinese character. "Wang", meaning ruler also became one of the hundreds of Chinese surnames. Tigers are powerful by nature. In Chinese history and culture, people who are born in the year of the tiger are believed to possess similar characteristics that they are optimistic, enthusiastic, and love freedom.


In Chinese legends, it is believed that the tiger is an extremely powerful animal that can ward off three major disasters in the family: fire, theft and evil. Murals with design elements of tigers were often hung on the walls facing the gates to ward off demons. Even in modern China, there are children wearing hats and shoes with tiger-head to ward off evil spirits.


The Year of the Tiger falls between the 1st February 2022 and 23rd January 2023 and is celebrated by the “Spring Festival” from 31 January to 15 February 2022. There are many traditional customs during the Festival such as displaying couplets of well wishes, staying up late to celebrate the New Year, having a family reunion dinner, paying family visits and sending New Year's greetings, and offering sacrifices to ancestors.

贴春联posting spring festival couplets with well wishes


On New Year's Eve, the whole family will gather together to enjoy a reunion dinner. The elders will give out red pockets with money to the children. On the first two day of the first lunar month, people will get up early, put on beautiful clothes, go out to visit and send New Year wishes to relatives and friends.

享受团年饭Enjoying Spring Festival’s family reunion dinner


As an important part of the Spring Festival’s celebration, the “Lantern Festival” falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year. People will enjoy the display of lanterns, solving lantern riddles, and eating “Tangyuan” (glutinous rice balls symbolizes family reunion). The completion of the Lantern Festival will mark the end of the Spring Festival.

发红包 Giving lucky money in red pocket拜年Paying lunar New Year’s visits

发红包 Giving lucky money in red pocket                                     拜年Paying lunar New Year’s visits

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