How to Use Zoom in Canvas

How to Use Zoom in Canvas

Scheduling Meetings

This document explains how to schedule meetings in Canvas using the Zoom tool.

  1. Go to your Canvas course and click on the Zoom tool in the vertical course navigation menu.Zoom menu item in Canvas
  2. Click the Schedule a New Meeting button to create a new meeting.
  3. You will be able to enter the meeting information.
    1. Topic - Provide a title for this session. It's always useful to include your course title or course code in your Zoom meeting so students can easily identify what course the Zoom meeting is for.A screenshot of the zoom topic
    2. When - Set the date and time for your session - be aware that by default sessions are added in GMT +11:00 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney. This will create an associated entry into your Canvas calendar.
    3. Duration - Set the approximate duration for the Zoom meeting. This setting will not impact the session itself, meaning the meeting can continue after the duration passes.
    4. Recurring meeting  - Use this setting if you are scheduling an event that repeats (e.g. scheduling all of your lectures at once). These can be scheduled to recur daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly. A screenshot of setting up a zoom recurring meeting in Canvas
    5. Host/Participant Video options - This  setting controls whether a person's video will be switched on as they enter your meeting. The user can still choose to turn on/off their video after they are in your meeting. This only controls their setting when they first enter the meeting. A screenshot of the host and participant video options when setting up a zoom in Canvas
    6. Record the meeting automatically - will automatically record the session when it begins. You can select to record to the cloud (recommended. This is where the recording is processed and uploaded into the course site as a Panopto video. If you record on the local computer, the recording will be made available on the host computer.
    7. Alternative hosts - If you have other teaching staff in your course, you may want to set them up as alternative hosts so that they can also start the meeting or recording. They will also have access to the same features and tools and as you in the session. A screenshot of setting an alternative host for zoom in Canvas

Scheduling Appointments

Creating a Block of Appointment Slots

  1. Go to a Canvas course where you want to create a scheduled event with appointment slots.
  2. Select Zoom from the course navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select the Appointments tab at the top.
  4. Select the + Create Schedule.
    How to create bookable schedules in the Zoom LTI
  5. In the New Bookable Schedule panel, set the times, durations, and days of your scheduling time.
    1. Under Select days, toggle on and off the days of the week you'd like to be available.
    2. For each day selected, set a time by choosing the available fields.
      • If you'd like to add additional times, select the + to the right of the time fields. You can also remove times by selecting the - button.
    3. To set an end date for the course's appointment scheduling, check the End repeat on box and set a date in the Select Date field. The bookable schedule will repeat until this date.
    4. Use the Duration menu to set a duration for your appointments.
    5. Name your appointments in the Event Date field. Be sure to use a specific name for your appointments (e.g., CLA 1001 Office Hours, Span 3001 Oral Exam).
    6. Include any additional information you'd like in the Event Description field.
      Set the times, durations, and days of your scheduling time in the New Bookable Schedule panel
  6. Select Create

Students enrolled in the course will be able to book appointments during the allotted times you've created.

Managing Appointments

When students book an appointment, both the host and participant will receive emails from <> with the meeting information, including a selectable meeting URL to join from. Launch the session by selecting the URL or by going to Zoom Scheduler in Canvas, as detailed below.

Starting a Meeting from Zoom Scheduler

  1. Select the Appointments tab.
  2. Select the Upcoming Events tab located under Bookable Schedules.
  3. Locate the meeting you'd like to start and select Start.
    Starting a Meeting from Zoom Scheduler
  4. If you need to cancel an individual meeting, select Cancel and confirm by selecting Yes, CancelBoth the host and the participant will receive cancellation emails.

Editing a Bookable Schedule from Zoom Scheduler

  1. Select the Appointments tab.
  2. Locate the Appointment Sessions you wish to edit (note that you will need to edit the whole group, not individual appointments).
  3. Select Edit or Delete depending on what is required
  4. Make the required changes & select Save.
    Editing a Bookable Schedule from Zoom Scheduler

Other users in the course with the Teacher or TA role will also have the ability to create their own bookable schedules. These schedules will not interfere with your schedule or any others in the course.

Note: Any appointments booked through your schedule will also show up in the Mobile/Desktop Zoom application as well as the Zoom Web portal. You can start/manage these appointments there as well.

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