Artificial Intelligence Working Group

Chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Innovation, the group includes academic representation from across our Schools & Colleges, as well as professional staff from a number of units.

As outlined in the Terms of Reference, the Group will:

  1. Draft a clear set of guidelines for the use of Artificial Intelligence including:
    1. institutionally agreed standards for staff use of Artificial Intelligence for marking, feedback, etc.
    2. institutionally agreed standards for use of Artificial Intelligence in student work.
  2. Review current assessment policies and procedures and make recommendations to TLC about changes to ensure appropriate use of AI, consistent with the University’s academic integrity principles.
  3. Develop a communication plan for the dissemination of agreed standards to students and academic and professional staff.
  4. 4. Make recommendations to TLC on appropriate process for investigation and course of action where use of AI is deemed in breach of the University’s academic integrity principles.
  5. Identify staff development opportunities related to effective use of artificial intelligence in teaching, learning, and assessment.
  6. Monitor the sector to identify good practices and emerging issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in Higher Education. Maintain a watching brief on relevant external developments in the use/s of artificial intelligence.

Input and expertise from across all disciplines is key to the ongoing development of our institutional approach.  We are particularly interested to hear from any academic staff who can share practical strategies that they have identified for the use of AI in their courses. Please contact PVC Education and Innovation for further details.

Further Reading

Visit the Artificial Intelligence Working Group SharePoint page for additional resources.

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