Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

To further your knowledge about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) review the list of upcoming conferences, resources and journals linked below:

Teaching and Learning Conferences:


UA Universities Australia 27-28 Feb
STARS Student Transition Achievement Retention and Success 1-3 July
ANZAHPE The ANZ Association for Health Professional Educators 1 - 4 July
ICMEInternational Congress on Mathematical Education7-14 July
HERDSA The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia 8-11 July
ATEAAustralian Teacher Education Association10-12 July
ACSME Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education 18-20 Sept
ACER Australian Council for Educational Research tba
ACODE Australian Council on Open, Distance and e-Learning - Workshop Seriesongoing
ACEN The Australian Collaborative Education Network Limited 21-22 Oct
CAULLTCouncil of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching24-25 Oct
ISSOTLInternational Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning28-31 Oct
LearnFestTe Puna Aurei LearnFest - The University of WaikatoNov
ASCILITEAustralasian Society for Computers in Learning in Teaching Education1-4 Dec

Global SoTL Conferences - view a comprehensive list


Higher education learning & teaching journals  

Find below a small sample of the many non-discipline specific tertiary learning and teaching journals: