Authorising another officer

An Authorised Officer must be appointed in writing by the Delegate before they are authorised to act. The appointment must set out the terms of the authorisation, the exact scope of what may be undertaken in accordance with the Delegate's authority, and the dates on which the Authorised Officer is authorised to act.

The following guidelines apply:

  • Delegates must maintain a register of authorised officers for review as required (see template below).
  • The delegate remains responsible for any actions taken by the Authorised Officer.
  • Where the signature of a delegate is required, the Authorised Officer will write the words "For and on behalf of the <name of the delegate> as an Authorised Person" so it is clear that the person is acting under the authority of the delegate.
  • Please refer to the Delegation of Authority Framework and the Delegation of Authority Guidelines in the Policy Library for further information and guidance.
Authorised Officer Register Template

Please use the Authorised Officer Register Template to maintain a list of active Authorised Officers in your area.