Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom

The Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom (the Code) was developed by the University in response to a review initiated by the Federal Minister for Education.

The University established a working group to develop a draft Code. In April 2020, the draft Code was published, along with a discussion paper, for staff and student consultation.

The proposed Code is intended:

  • to ensure that the freedom of lawful speech and academic freedom for staff and students of the University and visitors to the University are not restricted or unnecessarily burdened; and
  • to affirm the importance of the University’s institutional autonomy under law in the regulation of its affairs, including the protection of freedom of speech and academic freedom.

The Code was presented to the Council’s Nominations and Governance Committee on 30 July 2020, where a sentence regarding the right to peaceful protest was added. The Code was subsequently approved by the University’s Council on 14 August 2020 and is available to view here.

If you have any queries in relation to the Code please provide them by email to: