Our team

The Research and Innovation Division cultivates the University's strong and vibrant research culture and supports our research community in achieving research excellence and impact.

We attract, train and support researchers through every stage of their career and partner with industry to solve real-world problems.

We are reshaping our division with an increased focus on research development and innovation activities to deliver on the Strategic Plan.

Professor Zee Upton

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research & Innovation

Professor Zee Upton is a distinguished educator, researcher and entrepreneur. She previously served as Pro Vice-Chancellor for the College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing at the University. Before that, she held roles with the CSIRO, Queensland University of Technology and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore.

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Professor Juanita Todd

Pro Vice-Chancellor Research

The Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research supports the needs of our researchers and collaborates closely with our Colleges and external partners.

As PVC Research, Professor Todd oversees the University's Graduate Research, Research Integrity, Research Ethics, Research Advantage and Research Performance, Excellence and Impact portfolios.

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Mr Warwick Dawson

Pro Vice-Chancellor Industry and Engagement

Warwick is responsible for working with researchers, innovators and industry partners in research translation, commercialisation, intellectual property management, entrepreneurship and overall strategic engagement.

He leads our Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise team, the Integrated Innovation Network (I2N) and two of the University’s major research institutes – the Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources and the Institute for Regional Futures.

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Mr Tim Dixon

Mr Tim Dixon

Director, Research Facilities & Infrastructure

The Director of Research Facilities and Infrastructure oversees the University’s Central Analytical Facilities, BioResearch Facilities, and Research Infrastructure and Planning portfolio.

Ms Judy Alexander

Director, Research Grants

Our Research Grants team helps researchers identify, apply for and manage their research grants

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Professor Kylie Shaw

Dean of Graduate Research

Our Graduate Research team is responsible for the administration, support and development of higher degree by research (HDR) candidature, from application to thesis examination. The Graduate Research team is part of the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research.

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Professor Alan Broadfoot

Director, Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER)

NIER is one of our University's flagship research and innovation institutes. NIER’s research teams and industry partners are supported by a best practice engagement model that drives innovative outcomes and solutions for our communities.

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Professor Roberta Ryan

Director, Institute for Regional Futures

The Institute for Regional Futures is one of the University’s flagship institutes. It partners with governments, industries and communities and provides evidence and strategy to help them make the best decisions for their future and the future of their regions.

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Dr Paula Jones

General Manager, Research and Innovation Division
Office of the DVC Research and Innovation

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