
As the demand for iron ore and metallurgical coal continues to expand in step with population growth and technological advancement new material deposits are being developed at unprecedented rates, leading to products with slightly different properties.

Our research aims to understand the fundamental mechanisms driving the sintering, cokemaking, and blast furnace ironmaking processes, to optimise the use of Australian iron ore and metallurgical coal in these processes.

The outcomes of research carried out by CIMR assist users of Australian iron ores and metallurgical coals to:

  • Increase the levels of these ores and coals in their blends thereby positively impacting the market share of the Australian component
  • Optimise or increase production and/or quality of the sinter and coke produced by defining the required technological changes when using materials from new deposits
  • Broaden the range of new raw materials that can be used effectively - to increase the Australian resource base
  • Increase the energy efficiency in sintering, cokemaking and blast furnace ironmaking - to reduce greenhouse emissions

Research Themes

Research Themes

CIMR is a research intensive and a leading ironmaking research centre in Australia.

Research Facilities

Research Facilities

CIMR has world class research facilities for ironmaking materials research.