Student equity and social justice plan

The Student Equity and Social Justice Framework directs a principled, research-informed, whole-of-institution approach for the allocation of resources (specifically HEPPP) and the recognition of the diversity and difference in our communities. It enables ways of addressing the inter-relationship across, within and between research and practice to generate equity praxis. Drawing together collaborative networks across global, national, regional, local and institutional contexts, the University of Newcastle provides transformational, praxis-based programs.

Strategies, projects and initiatives directly related to equity of access, participation and success in higher education work best when equity is embedded in all our teaching, learning, research, engagement and governance practices.

This Plan and its framework demonstrate how our commitments and goals are applied and embedded. Underpinning strategies and initiatives support the framework and further translate the goal and the three key principles for application.

Link to plan

Download the 2021 Student Equity and Social Justice Plan

Link to Framewoek

Download the Student Equity and Social Justice Framework  (poster)