Support for staff with Disability

The University of Newcastle strives to foster an inclusive environment where all staff can excel. Staff with disability can access supports to help facilitate an equitable experience.

Prospective Staff with Disability

The University of Newcastle is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and as such, hopes to increase its representation of staff with disability across all levels of academic and professional roles.

If you are applying for a job with the University of Newcastle and have a disability which requires an adjustment to be made to the recruitment process, we encourage you to reach out for support. We are determined that every applicant has the best opportunity to demonstrate their talents, skills and suitability for a role.  However, please know that you are not obligated to disclose disability if you do not feel ready. We only need to know if your disability will impact you in the job and if you require adjustments to be made.

Reasonable adjustments

An image of a staff member working on his computer

If you are a staff member with disability, you can ask for reasonable adjustments if required on the job. The purpose of reasonable adjustments are to ensure staff have an equitable opportunity to complete workplace tasks by addressing barriers that may exist. For example, a barrier may be able to be addressed with the provision of assistive technology, flexible working hours or a change made to the physical workplace.

Most reasonable adjustments can be put in place easily in collaboration with your supervisor. Where equipment or workplace modifications are required, you may access Job Access Australia's Employee Assistance Fund (EAF). The EAF provides funding for workplace modifications, equipment or training to support eligible people with disability.

When a new employee commences employment at The University of Newcastle, they have the opportunity to disclose any reasonable adjustments required through the onboarding documentation. Employees can choose to disclose their disability in HR Online under Employee Equal Opportunity Information. Here, staff can indicate if they have a disability. If the latter box is indicated, a representative from the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team will contact you to confirm whether you require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan and offer the opportunity to discuss any reasonable adjustments you may require.

The information you provide about your disability will only be shared as far as you are comfortable. The information is confidentially and securely saved in your record file. It will be used to provide you with the supports you need and enable the University to understand its current levels of workplace diversity.

We understand that many people with disability are reluctant to disclose disability to their employer due to previous discrimination, or fear of negative consequences. The University is aware of these concerns and is working to enhance our inclusive culture and practices through strategic initiatives. We want all staff to be able to disclose their disability with pride and confidence, knowing they will not be treated less favourably.

Staff with Disability Network

The University of Newcastle Staff with Disability Network brings together academic and professional staff who identify as being a person with disability.

Through regular meetings and occasional special activities, the network harnesses the solidarity of its members to advance workplace inclusivity, opportunity and representation.

Together we:

  1. Foster a safe, caring space where staff with disability can enjoy connection and support among those with similar experiences.
  2. Facilitate regular opportunities to troubleshoot and address accessibility and workplace inclusion challenges.
  3. Raise and propose solutions to accessibility and workplace inclusion problems through relevant channels.
  4. Promote disability pride and the visibility of disability through our collective presence, special activities, communications or campaigns.
  5. Conduct or support activities which strive to build workplace inclusivity.


The network welcomes any academic or professional staff who identify as having a disability, chronic health condition or mental illness that has a significant impact. This is an exclusive space for staff with disability.

To join the staff with disability network, please email the EDI Unit at