Connecting Interpreters with the Deaf Community Instantly.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Rachel Sperinck is the founder of PAH! App, an app that connects Auslan interpreters with the Deaf Community quickly and easily.

Connecting Interpreters with the Deaf Community Instantly.

At I2N’s Startup Stories at I2N Hub Honeysuckle on Wednesday 1 May, Rachel shared how through PAH! App, users experience a higher success rate in requesting and booking interpreters, while interpreters gain better control over their schedule and work arrangements. PAH! App is dedicated to fostering seamless communication access and empowering both users and interpreters alike, ensuring a more efficient and equitable experience for all involved.

Catch up on Startup Stories with Rachel

Top Takeaways

  • The interpreting industry faces challenges, such as a shortage of qualified interpreters as there is only 579 in the country compared to the 16,000 individuals in need of an interpreter.
  • Inspired by the role of interpreters in bridging communities, Rachel chose to study Auslan (Australian Sign Language) and interpreting, dedicating six years to immersing herself in the language and deaf community.
  • Recognising the significance of deaf individuals having control over interpreter selection, particularly in sensitive situations like medical appointments, fuelled Rachel's motivation to address these issues.
  • Balancing the financial viability of PAH! with the affordability for the deaf community who rely on NDIS funding, is a key challenge.

The University of Newcastle's I2N works with individuals and organisations from across the Hunter region and beyond to turn ideas and challenges into opportunity. As a leading driver of economic and business growth, the I2N cultivates an entrepreneurial mindset that is behind many of the region's most innovative businesses and leaders.

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