How are your PRD conversations going?

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Performance review and development should be an ongoing conversation between individuals and their managers. If you haven’t done so already, it is time to check back in and look at the goals that you set and how you are progressing with them.

Two people having a conversation

“Conversations throughout the year are just as important as the goal setting and review conversations,” Workforce Development Manager, Bronwen Bamberger said.

“Regular conversations are an opportunity for managers to touch base with staff about how they are travelling.”

Ongoing conversations allow individuals and their supervisors/managers to form a better understanding of each other – their personal aspirations and leadership style.

“Everyone comes to the PRD process with different perspectives,” Bronwen said.

“The conversations should provide the opportunity to articulate and explore what both sides are hoping to achieve in their work and their development.”

Once performance goals are set in SuccessFactors, managers can move individual PRD forms to the Ongoing Conversation step. (There is a user guide if managers need help how to move from Goal setting to Ongoing Conversations). SuccessFactors system now supports the tracking of conversations and achievements throughout the year which makes for a richer review discussion at the year end.

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