Spotlight: Temitope Egbelakin (CIFAL)

Monday, 27 September 2021

SABE would like to highlight Temitope Egbelakin's role as Executive Director for CIFAL Newcastle.

Temi profile

SABE would like to highlight Temitope Egbelakin's role as Executive Director for CIFAL Newcastle. Through this position, Temi plans to bring a hub of expertise to CIFAL Newcastle that will increase UON’s international visibility provided by the United Nations system, and to facilitate a highly integrated research collaborations and capacity development trainings, coordinated across the physical, engineering and social sciences, across relevant organisations within Australia and Asia Pacific.

With plans to make the UON based CIFAL Newcastle an international hub of expertise and innovation, Temi aspires to increase the focus of CIFAL in the following core areas topics: Sustainable Cities and Communities Gender and women equity at an international scale, Good Health and Well-being, and Industry, Infrastructure and innovation

Through increasing visibility and awareness across both Newcastle campuses and the Australasia, she also hopes to gain support in expanding CIFAL’s scope into the pacific regions.

Temi would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff of SABE, with special consideration of Prof. SueAnne Ware, Prof. Brett Ninness and Prof. Kevin Hall for their continuous support and contribution to CIFAL’s cause.

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