Featured News • 27 Nov 2018

Call for fathers and preschoolers to take part in family health program

The University of Newcastle is calling for 150 dads with three to five-year-olds to take part in a healthy lifestyle program being offered in the Hunter region.

Research and Innovation • 27 Nov 2018

ARC Funding Success - Precision Mechatronics Lab

Prof Andrew Fleming, A/Prof Yuen Yong and Dr Michael Ruppert from the Precision Mechatronics Lab contributed to securing a $438,000 ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment & Facilities (LIEF) grant for A femtosecond laser micromachining facility for a wide range of materials at the University of Griffith.

College of Human and Social Futures • 23 Nov 2018

Workshop encourages new startups with seed funding

A humanities challenge for schools, educational podcasts, a new poetry event and a social enterprise for times of crisis are some of the winning pitches delivered at the Humanities Startup Workshop held on November 9th at New Space.

College of Human and Social Futures • 23 Nov 2018

Understanding Meaningful Employment for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities

Associate Professor Brendan Boyle and Conjoint Professor Rebecca Mitchell from the UON Health Services Research and Innovation Centre in collaboration with Prof Bronwyn Hemsley, Head of Speech Pathology at University of Technology Sydney and Challenge Community Services (CCS) have successfully won a grant to fund a project designed to increase the competence of young people with intellectual disability in the ‘Gig Economy’ as a facilitator for meaningful employment.

Featured News • 22 Nov 2018

Female researchers sponsored in academic journey

Seven promising University of Newcastle researchers are helping to pave the way for their female peers, as recipients of a Women in Research (WIR) Fellowship designed to support the development of their academic careers.

Featured News • 22 Nov 2018

Pilot project to evaluate the use of Virtual Reality in teaching soon to run University wide

Virtual reality and other simulation technologies are making their way into teaching and education: the University of Newcastle is launching the Simulation Technology Evaluation Pilot (STEP) Program to position VR as a sustainable and lasting teaching tool.

Featured News • 22 Nov 2018

Drones provide a new perspective into shark behaviour

The safety of surfers, divers and beach goers could be increased following a new tracking technique that uses drones to observe shark behaviour in water up to five metres deep.

Current Staff • 21 Nov 2018

Trust and collaboration drive outcomes at Heads Up

UON’s Heads Up group, made up of the fourteen Heads of Schools and the Director of ELFS, is now in its fourth year. As they near the end of their tenure as co-chairs, Professor Cathy Coleborne (Humanities and Social Science) and Professor Sue Anne Ware (Architecture and Built Environment) reflect on the evolution of the group and the benefits it delivers to the current cohort of Heads of School, as well as the University.

From the Executive • 21 Nov 2018

Inaugural L&T Student Recognition Prize recipients announced

I’m delighted to announce the recipients of the 2018 Learning and Teaching Student Recognition Prize.  Our student recipients were presented with their award at a presentation on Monday 5 November, attended by friends, family and staff.

Featured News • 21 Nov 2018

New Tastes of Wine Symposium

The University of Newcastle is hosting industry professionals and experts for an evening of wine, cheese and discussion around how Australia’s changing trends are leading innovations in wine production.

Current Staff • 21 Nov 2018

Meet our Women in STEMM Chair

Professor Billie Bonevski was recently appointed as UON’s inaugural Women in STEMM Chair. In this role, Billie will provide leadership and a voice for the University’s gender equity action plan, in particular STEMM focused initiatives. Billie shares some of her motivation and aspirations for this important, pioneering role.

Featured News • 19 Nov 2018

Architecture student’s design chosen for striking $2 million multi-arts centre

Architecture student Samantha Bailey’s design for a striking $2 million multi-arts space, featuring spectacular waterfront vistas, will become a new focal point for arts and culture in Lake Macquarie.

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