ARC Linkage funding awarded to protect data and threatened species

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

From protecting data to protecting threatened species, two diverse University of Newcastle research projects have been successful in the latest round of Australian Research Council (ARC)-funded Linkage Projects.

stock image of hands working together

The ARC Linkage Program helps researchers, industry, and community organisations drive innovation and deliver outcomes for the benefit of Australia.

The awarded ARC Linkage Projects 2022 round 2 research projects from the University of Newcastle include:

Saving threatened species 

Biodiversity faces a suite of threats caused by the burgeoning human population, including habitat loss and degradation, introduced predators, illegal harvesting and pollution. One of the many challenges of threatened species conservation is effectively communicating with communities to enact ‘on ground’ change.

Led by Communication and Media scholar, Professor Phillip McIntyre, this cross-disciplinary project combines the expertise of communication academics and conservation scientists to create participatory communities invested in protecting threatened species.

Funding: $506,000

Collaborating partners: University of Newcastle; Griffith University; NSW Department of Planning and  Environment

Strengthening data protection 

This project aims to improve cyber security by advancing capabilities in quantum key distribution.

Quantum key distribution provides a completely secure method for two parties to share a unique and random secret ‘key’. It offers guaranteed protection from hackers as the key cannot been tampered with.

This project addresses important and fundamental problems in the area of cybersecurity. A guarantee of secure communications is essential for critical defence and security organisations, the information economy, businesses, the transformation of established industries, and the creation of new jobs. 

This project is led by electrical engineer from the University of Newcastle, Professor Sarah Johnson.

Funding: $150,000

Collaborating partners: University of Newcastle; University of Sydney; Quintessencelabs Pty Ltd


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