Dr. Alice Neikirk Awarded Prestigious HCSA Fellowship

Friday, 19 January 2024

Image of Dr. Alice Neikirk smiling at camera
Dr. Alice Neikirk

The History Council of South Australia (HCSA) proudly announced Dr. Alice Neikirk (School of Law and Justice) as the recipient of the 2024 HCSA Fellowship. The fellowship serves as a catalyst for Australian researchers delving into the captivating realm of South Australian history.

The 2024 HCSA Fellow, Dr. Alice Neikirk, brings her expertise and passion with her compelling project titled 'Police Matrons (and their Advocates) in South Australia.' This research aims to provide recognition to the often-overlooked women who paved the way for their male counterparts in the police force.

Dr. Neikirk's research will revolve around the 125-year anniversary of the first official recognition of a police matron in Australia, uncovering the untold stories of these pioneering women who (for at least fifty years before acknowledgment) paved the way for female inclusion in the police force.

Dr Neikrik aims to utilise the largest collection of police matron diaries in the country, along with the several microfilmed resources to help underscore the role of female-led organisations. This study will also contribute to a deeper understanding of women’s experiences in Victorian era Australia.

The judging panel awarded Dr Neikirk’s project for the 2024 HCSA Fellowship because it promises to combine individual and institutional histories in ways that not only engage with a specific area of history that is yet to be investigated but also yield new insights about the hidden work of women which has long been relied on by the State and society. The fact that South Australia holds what appears to be the largest collection of police matron records in Australia, indicates the project is likely to produce findings of national significance, while Dr Neikirk’s comparative investigations into Police Matrons in the UK and North America also suggest this project will situate the South Australian story within fruitful international contexts.

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