Certificate in Clinical Teaching and Supervision

The Certificate in Clinical Teaching and Supervision is designed to broaden the educational skills and knowledge of health care professionals who teach medical students, pre-vocational doctors and specialist registrars. It will be useful for those teaching into the Joint Medical Program (UON and UNE).

The four core modules will enhance the participant’s skills in key areas in teaching and learning. Participants will benefit from discussions with like minded peers and experts in the field in these interactive sessions. This will make their teaching more effective and gratifying. The whole course is designed to provide practical skills in day to day teaching and provide foundation for further learning in teaching and assessment.

The course is taught through short sessions, group work and personal study and will be assessed through a brief assignment.

On completion of the certificate you will be able to:

  • Understand and use the principles of effective clinical teaching, learning and assessment
  • Locate and analyse research in these areas
  • Apply this research to your own practice
  • Construct and deliver effective teaching and learning events in a variety of academic and clinical settings

For further information please read the Course Outline.

PLEASE NOTE:  This course will only be offered to ACE Members, SMPH Conjoints, JMP Teaching Staff and Teaching Fellows who have been appointed.

If you are interested in participating or if you have any questions about the course please contact ace@newcastle.edu.au.