Live, Learn, Grow

People who have a care experience, 'care leavers', are underrepresented in higher education with the care leaver educational experience being under-researched both nationally and internationally. The University of Newcastle has developed an innovative project which seeks to overcome the barriers that are known, that prevent care leavers engaging with higher education.

The proposal is a combination of: practical assistance through the provision of subsidised supported housing, guaranteed on campus employment, specialised campus orientation and early intervention with young people, carers, birth families, case workers and educators.

Live, Learn, Grow received $136,037 in HEPP NPP funding in 2015 and the pilot project was led by Louise Rak along with collaborators from the University of Newcastle including Ms Belinda Munn and Dr Tamara Blakemore. Live, Learn, Grow is now fully supported by the Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education and the University of Newcastle, Australia.

To find out more about what Live, Learn, Grow is doing now, or how you can connect with us, please see our website.