Enhancing University Retention and Success for First-In-Family, Low SES Students Through a Flipped Classroom Learning Model

This project is specifically focused on first-in-family students from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds in their first year of study, a group known to be in increased danger of attrition from University compared to their peers. Specifically it will examine whether, compared to other first-year students, differences in expectations about learning at university or in access to technology affect their learning experience, retention levels, and academic success.

The development of this evidence base will enable better operationalization of the flipped classroom model at the University of Newcastle and inform recommendations for policy implementation elsewhere in the sector.

The project received $89,800 in HEPP NPP funding and is being led by Dr Johanna Macneil along with a team of researchers from the University of Newcastle including Dr Marcus Rodrigs, Dr Amy Maguire, Ms Kate Ramzan-Levy, Mr Mark Kirby and Dr David Cameron.