
Wollotuka Research

Research for Social Impact

Wollotuka is a sector-leader in their commitment to building research collaborations and partnerships with Indigenous peoples of our regions and beyond. Wollotuka’s research is driven by the Cultural Standards of Reciprocity, Accountability and Respect, and through these principles, an environment is created where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders are engaged in mutually beneficial collaboration.

As a leader in global Indigenous comparative studies, Wollotuka’s areas of research expertise include culturally responsive evaluation models, community led research methodologies, Aboriginal languages, and Indigenous creative cultures, with a focus on research for social impact. The research team at Wollotuka integrate Indigenous knowledges, perspectives, and Indigenous-led enquiry to create local, national, and international research partnerships, and build authentic relationships with audiences and participants in research. Research at Wollotuka supports diverse forms of knowledge creation, and documents unique forms of research impact.

For enquiries, please contact the Research Team:

Wollotuka Higher Degree Research

Supporting Indigenous Research Candidates

Enabling Higher Degree Research (HDR) completions in Indigenous Studies and expanding the Indigenous academic workforce are priorities for The Wollotuka Institute. Research training at Wollotuka centres on fostering a supportive environment to facilitate the development of Higher Degree Research candidates as they build expertise in their chosen research area.

The Wollotuka Research Support team is the contact point for Wollotuka PhD and Masters candidates undertaking research projects of relevance and importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. The team assists in providing appropriate resources for strong outcomes for both Indigenous and non–Indigenous HDRs researching through the Institute. Both the support and supervisory teams at Wollotuka have an experiential understanding of the critical cultural factors that influence PhD and Masters candidature, and are dedicated to ensuring a culturally safe environment for research students.

For enquiries, please contact the Research Support Team:

Muuya Banggi

Muuya Banggi

Established in 2020, Muuya Banggi - 'Flying Breathe' is a Language recovery initiative created by the Wollotuka Institute.

One of our major goals is to ensure that communities have a safe place to explore Language renewal initiatives that best suit their communities. We welcome healthy dialogue and participation by all, in seeking ways to help cultivate and establish good working relationships for the benefit and future of our cultural landscapes.