Design Sprint Workshops

This event was held on Tuesday 27 August 2019

Instead of over-analysing, overspending or proposing an idea with the wrong value proposition, Grand Challenge participants and their teams can participate in a Design Sprint to ensure their proposal has the best chance of success.

Teams will focus on extracting the most critical assumptions of their idea by understanding the problem, coming up with potential solutions, deciding the best option to work on, designing how the solution might best work and then testing it to get valuable feedback. Participants will also be provided with pitch training to assist with developing their proposal for submission to the Grand Challenge.

Participants can attend individual Design Sprint Workshops however, participation in all four workshops will provide the best outcome for teams. All participants must attend the first workshop as a minimum.

Tue 27 Aug, 9AM-12:30PM

Workshop 1: Understand & Define

Tue 27 Aug, 1-4:30PM

Workshop 2: Prototype & Decide

Wed 28 Aug, 9AM - 12:30PM

Workshop 3: Gather Data & Evidence

Wed 28 Aug, 1-4:30PM

Workshop 4: Iterate & Pitch

To find the venue for this event, go to the campus map.

Register for the workshops now.