Reach your full potential

We are proud to offer students both affordable tuition fees alongside competitive scholarships to support your studies. Scholarships are valued up to A$48,000 depending on your length of study, chosen degree and citizenship.

These scholarships can greatly reduce the cost of tuition, making the University of Newcastle one of the more affordable options to study in Australia.

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Featured scholarships

International Excellence Scholarship

The International Excellence Scholarship rewards high-performing students studying at the University of Newcastle. This scholarship acknowledges applicants with a strong academic background who choose to study in one of our programs.


The scholarship is based on a fixed value for each year of study in the eligible program under a standard full-time study load (80 units) apportioned over each course taken.

Region Asia Pacific Africa and Middle East
Annual Scholarship Value  AU$8,000 AU$4,000

How to apply

No need to apply - scholarships will be automatically awarded to students who have received an offer to study in an eligible program and who will commence study with the University of Newcastle in Trimester 2, 2024 and beyond.

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For more information on this scholarship, please review the full Terms and Conditions.

Business and Management Excellence Scholarship

The Business and Management Excellence Scholarship rewards high-performing students studying at the University of Newcastle. This scholarship acknowledges applicants with a strong academic background who choose to study in one of our key Business and Management programs.


The scholarship is based on a fixed value for each year of study in the eligible program under a standard full-time study load (80 units) apportioned over each course taken.

Region Asia Pacific Africa and Middle East Rest of World
Annual Scholarship Value  AU$12,000 AU$8,000 AU$4,000

Eligible Programs 

  • Bachelor of Business (Including combined programs)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Including combined programs)
  • Bachelor of Business Analytics
  • Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events (Including combined programs)
  • Master of Applied Finance
  • Master of Business Administration (Including combined programs)
  • Master of Business Administration (Global) (Including combined programs)
  • Master of Health Economics, Management and Policy (Including combined programs)
  • Master of Health Economics, Management and Policy (Global)
  • Master of Professional Accounting
  • Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
  • Juris Doctor / Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

*All Graduate Certificate programs are included in scholarships when packaged with an eligible Masters

How to apply

No need to apply - scholarships will be automatically awarded to students who have received an offer to study in an eligible program and who will commence study with the University of Newcastle in Trimester 2, 2024 and beyond.

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For more information on this scholarship, please review the full Terms and Conditions.

Health Excellence Scholarship

The Health Excellence Scholarship rewards high-performing students studying at the University of Newcastle. This scholarship acknowledges applicants with a strong academic background who choose to study in one of our key Health programs.


The scholarship is based on a fixed value for each year of study in the eligible program under a standard full-time study load (80 units) apportioned over each course taken.

Region Asia Pacific Africa and Middle East Rest of World
Annual Scholarship Value  AU$12,000 AU$8,000 AU$4,000

Eligible Programs 

  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science
  • Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (all streams)
  • Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine
  • Master of Nursing
  • Master of Public Health (Including combined programs)

*All Graduate Certificate programs are included in scholarships when packaged with an eligible Masters

How to apply

No need to apply - scholarships will be automatically awarded to students who have received an offer to study in an eligible program and who will commence study with the University of Newcastle in Trimester 2, 2024 and beyond.

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For more information on this scholarship, please review the full Terms and Conditions.

STEAM Excellence Scholarship

The Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Excellence Scholarship rewards high-performing students studying at the University of Newcastle. This scholarship acknowledges applicants with a strong academic background who choose to study in one of our key STEAM programs.


The scholarship is based on a fixed value for each year of study in the eligible program under a standard full-time study load (80 units) apportioned over each course taken.

Region Asia Pacific Africa and Middle East Rest of World
Annual Scholarship Value  AU$12,000 AU$8,000 AU$4,000

Eligible Programs 

  • Bachelor of Data Science (Including combined programs)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Including combined programs)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (all streams) (Including combined programs)
  • Bachelor of Design (Architecture)
  • Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours)
  • Master of Architecture
  • Master of Construction Management (Professional)
  • Master of Cyber Security
  • Master of Information Technology
  • Master of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Master of Professional Engineering (all streams, 2- and 3-year programs).

*All Graduate Certificate programs are included in scholarships when packaged with an eligible Masters

How to apply

No need to apply - scholarships will be automatically awarded to students who have received an offer to study in an eligible program and who will commence study with the University of Newcastle in Trimester 2, 2024 and beyond.

Find out more

For more information on this scholarship, please review the full Terms and Conditions.

ELBP Start Now Scholarship

The English Language Bridging Program (ELBP) Start Now Scholarship has been established to encourage and support international students from the regions of Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa to study ELBP plus Undergraduate or Postgraduate programs with the University of Newcastle (Australia).

The ELBP Start Now Scholarship will be available to eligible international students commencing their ELBP in 2024.

Scholarship Payment

The recipient’s ELBP tuition will be $434 per week for 2024 which is a reduction of approximately 15%. This reduction which will be applied directly to the recipient’s Student Account at the beginning of each relevant ELBP session.

How to apply

No application is required for this scholarship. Eligibility for this scholarship will be assessed alongside your application for admission to the University of Newcastle and you may be automatically awarded this scholarship.

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The Latin America ELBP Scholarship

The Latin America ELBP Scholarship has been established to encourage and support international students from the region of Latin America to study ELBP only and ELBP plus Undergraduate or Postgraduate programs with the University of Newcastle (Australia).

Scholarship Payment

The recipient’s ELBP tuition will be $310 per week for 2024 which is a reduction of approximately 39%. This reduction which will be applied directly to the recipient’s Student Account at the beginning of each relevant ELBP session.

How to apply

The Latin America ELBP Scholarship will be available to eligible international students commencing their ELBP onshore in Australia or online via our virtual classrooms.

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, you will need to:

  • Be an international full-fee paying student from Latin America.
  • Be enrolled full-time.
  • Be commencing a minimum of 10 weeks ELBP.

Meet all of the financial obligations of a full-fee paying international student, including the full tuition fee and other expenses for the purpose of obtaining your student visa, and in the event that eligibility for the scholarship is not maintained.

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Malaysian Australia Columbo Plan Commemoration (MACC) Scholarship

The University of Newcastle, in partnership with The Malaysian Australian Alumni Council (MAAC), has established the University of Newcastle - Malaysian Australia Columbo Plan Commemoration (MACC) Scholarship to attract high-performing Malaysian students to study at the University of Newcastle.

This is a merit-based scholarship that recognises applicants with a strong academic background and incentivises them to continue striving to be the best that they can be.

Scholarships will be automatically awarded to Malaysian students who have received an offer to study in an eligible, non-quota program and who will commence studying with the University of Newcastle in 2024.

Scholarship Payment

The scholarship is valued at AU$10,000 for each year of study under full-time study load, apportioned over each course taken (pro-rata with an approved load reduction on program plan, credits exemptions, progression or wellbeing grounds).

This equates to AU$1250 per 10-units of study. This will be administered for each term of study in your eligible program(s) as a tuition fee reduction against the amount of credits initially issued in your letter of offer.

How to apply

No need to apply - scholarships will be automatically awarded to students who have received an offer to study in an eligible, non-quota program and who will commence studying with the University of Newcastle.

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