How it works

Getting started

Career-ready placements vary by industry and discipline. There are several ways placements can come together.

  • Organisations contact the University to enquire about becoming a host organisation
  • The University approaches organisations to source opportunities for students
  • Students contact organisations directly
  • The student and the University work to arrange an opportunity together

The process

There are five key steps for organisations hosting a career-ready placement.

  • 1. Identify an opportunity
    Your organisation identifies a project or area of work to host a student. To enquire about the opportunity, you can reach out through the online form, email or a phone call.
  • 2. Connect with us
    We receive your enquiry and forward it to the appropriate academic contact or call you for more information to assist with referral.
  • 3. Selection process
    We begin a selection process to match a student with your company. This could include assignment by the University or a competitive process where students submit applications or expressions of interest.
  • 4. Induct your student
    Your organisation completes and submits placement documents by an agreed commencement date. Students are inducted into your workplace and their placement commences.
  • 5. Support and review
    As a host, you’ll receive ongoing support and opportunities to provide feedback and seek guidance throughout the placement.


Different programs of study work with different timelines for arranging and undertaking career-ready placements. We can help you with career-ready placement opportunities throughout the year.