
1. Company Registration

Before commencing to occupy a space or provide a service on a University site your company must register, pre-qualify, and be approved by the University. All your employees who will be working on a University site are to register in Beakon and complete the assigned online induction (Refer to stage 2).

You will need the University Representative details from the email that you received to complete the company registration.

Before you start operating on any University site, a company must:

  1. Register in the University Beakon System selecting the TYPE: Contractor Company and the SKILLS: Company (Tenant) or Company (Vendor)
  2. Get approved and activated by the University Representative
  3. Upload a copy of your Public Liability Insurance and any other documents where applicable

2. Tenant and Vendor Employee Registration in Beakon

Before you start working on any University site:

  1. Log into the University Beakon System if you receive a Beakon notification advising your employer has initiated your registration process in Beakon and requesting you complete your details and any inductions assigned to you by the system

  1. Self-register in the University Beakon System selecting the TYPE: Contractor Employee
  2. Select your employer from the list of companies
  3. Under SKILLS, select the University of Newcastle Tenant/Vendor
  4. Once your employer has activated your profile, login and complete all inductions assigned to you by the system

If required, your University Representative may assign additional requirements and/or inductions. All inductions are valid for 12 months.

Visitors don’t generally need to register or undertake an induction if they are fully escorted by an appropriate officer and a risk assessment has been completed.

If you have any questions about registering in the University Beakon System, please call Infrastructure and Facilities Services on (02) 4921 6500 or send an email to