Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


2000 level

Course handbook


This course further develops skills and knowledge introduced in MUSI1302 for music students in their primary musical practice (which can be an instrument, voice, composition, creative production or music research). Styles and modes of presentation are chosen by each student and may involve technology. Repertoires from diverse styles can be studied such as classical, contemporary, popular, jazz and world music. This course offers students the opportunity for intensive development of their individual skills with a focus on the use of technology in their practice.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 1 - 2021.

Replacing course(s)

This course replaces the following course(s): MUSI2201. Students who have successfully completed MUSI2201 are not eligible to enrol in MUSI2301.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a developed level of implementation of fundamentals of technique applicable to the chosen practice, genres and styles, where appropriate e.g. production standards, control of compositional language, physiological issues and creative use of media.

2. Demonstrate a developed capacity for expression and interpretation as appropriate to their chosen practice, e.g. improvisation, analytical and creative approaches to composition and performance and/or innovative use of technology.

3. Demonstrate evidence of a practice/work routine and its implementation.

4. Demonstrate the ability to incorporate technology into their practice.

5. Continually develop their confidence and positive attitude in presenting work, including preparation, readiness, managing anxiety and engaging with music-makers, audiences and other collaborators.

6. Demonstrate a developing level of critical thinking and research in the student's work.


The syllabi for this course (for each area of specialisation) have been designed to provide the student with a structured yet flexible framework within which to develop their principal study skills.  Diversity of styles is encouraged. Requirements will vary depending on the major strand studied. Students will receive individual and/or group classes and technical classes as appropriate to their chosen practice. Students will participate in performance practice and/or presentation classes.


Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Bachelor of Music [40045]

Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Arts [40120]

Course Pre-Requisite:

Must have successfully completed the following course(s):



Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assumed knowledge


Assessment items

Portfolio: Reflective

Practical Demonstration: Technical Skills and Tasks

Project: Project

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.