Potential Enabling Program Participant Research (PEPPR) Register

The Pathways and Academic Learning Support (PALS) Centre would like to make contact with former students who have completed one of the Open Foundation, Newstep or Yapug program in previous years to join our PEPPR research register. In 2022, Newstep and Open Foundation were amalgamated into one Open Foundation program for students of all ages.

The 'Potential Enabling Program Participant Research' (PEPPR) register is a database of students who have undertaken the Open Foundation, Newstep or Yapug programs at the University of Newcastle and who may be interested in participating in future research relating to our programs.

Since 1974, the University of Newcastle has been offering alternative pathways to gain entry to higher education. During this time many students have completed the Open Foundation, Newstep and Yapug programs and have gone on to complete further study including undergraduate and postgraduate programs and have pursued a wide range of careers.

The Open Foundation, Newstep and Yapug programs have made a huge impact on individuals, families and communities in the Hunter region. Research into our programs is vital in order to secure their long term future and to ensure that generations to come are given the opportunity to participate in higher education.

The PEPPR register facilitates contact between enabling education researchers and students who have undertaken our enabling programs (Open Foundation, Newstep or Yapug).

Students are eligible to join if they have enrolled in or completed the Open Foundation, Newstep or Yapug programs with the Pathways and Academic Learning Support (PALS) Centre at the University of Newcastle.

Involvement entails being listed on the PEPPR register and occasionally being invited to participate in research projects relating to issues such as enabling education, access and equity in higher education. You are also requested to provide some brief demographic data which is used primarily to assist with recruiting appropriate participants for specific projects.

As a member of the register you will receive information regarding projects you are being invited to participate in. You have free choice whether or not to participate in these projects.

In order to join the register, potential participants are asked to complete and sign the consent form and return it to the PEPPR register coordinator located at the Pathways and Academic Learning Support (PALS) Centre, University of Newcastle.

Strict protocols are observed in relation to confidentiality and privacy of member details.

Joining the register provides the opportunity to participate in much needed research relating to issues such as enabling education, access to higher education, equity and diversity in higher education. It also allows members to keep in touch with activities at the University of Newcastle that relate to enabling education programs and equity issues.

Please contact pepprregister@newcastle.edu.au for more information or to express your interest in joining the register.