Level 7

Meeting Place by Dylan Finney

Dylan Finney is a designer and artist living on Darkinjung Country. His family is from Arnhem Land, coming originally from Ngukurr. His work explores identity, past and present cultures and how their stories and lessons interact with modern life.

Meeting Place mural by Dylan Finney

"This is about two aspects of Darkinjung land as I’ve grown up knowing it: a meeting place that intersects both the land and the water. The image is divided into three parts, the beginning, middle and end following the form of basic storytelling. The far left is the land. The far right pictures the sea. The centre exemplifies the ‘meeting place’ with all the animals in the piece all flowing into the centre with Mt Yengo and the sun drawn as a symbol for a meeting place. Native plants and flowers are woven throughout the piece; a waratah can be found in each section as these flowers grow prolifically in the sandstone ridges. Also included are the carvings and hand paintings that can be found surrounding Mt Yengo. I’ve used a variety of animals to show the various communities that have taken up home on Darkinjung land today."