Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


2000 level

Course handbook


This course will introduce students to clinical/practical and theoretical foundations of human biomechanics of the foot and lower extremity, and the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of common foot and lower extremity pathologies. The course consists of co-ordinated lectures and practical components to cover the theory and application of foot and lower extremity biomechanics and gait analysis, relevant physical examinations (bones, joints, soft tissues), diagnosing common foot and lower extremity conditions and related treatment options.


Not currently offered.

Replacing course(s)

This course replaces the following course(s): PDTY2103. Students who have successfully completed PDTY2103 are not eligible to enrol in PDTY2005.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Discuss lower extremity biomechanics in relation to joint structure and function, structural and functional abnormalities, and muscle interaction in static and dynamic environments

2. Apply relevant skills required for assessment of bones, joints and soft tissues

3. Develop and apply an understanding of the gait cycle including joint movement, muscle involvement and structural linkage

4. Determine how to assess the gait cycle through visual analysis and instrumented analysis

5. Exhibit theoretical and practical knowledge of the aetiology, pathology and clinical presentation of common pathologies of the foot and lower extremity

6. Review and demonstrate the evidence-based approach for implementing management strategies for common foot and lower extremity pathologies

7. Discuss and implement the theories of measuring health outcomes


1. Biomechanics of the lower extremity

  • Anatomy of the lower extremity
  • Planes and axis of motion
  • Gait analysis, static and dynamic joint position and muscle activation
  • Introduction to other gait analysis modalities such as pedal, force plate data collection and software analyses
  • Comparison of walking and running patterns

2. Assessment of structural and functional abnormalities

  • Clinical evaluation of bones, joints and soft tissues
  • Introduction to basic examination of the hip, knee, leg, ankle and foot
  • Intrinsic foot abnormalities, includes forefoot and rearfoot positions and their effects on function and consequent foot changes
  • Extrinsic foot abnormalities, includes lower limb changes, leg length differences and their effects on function and consequent foot changes
  • Review of health outcomes to assess and monitor the impact and progress of musculoskeletal pathology

3. Management for osseous, synovial and soft tissue pathologies

  • Physiological theories of pain and pain management strategies
  • Nerve entrapments
  • Osseous and synovial pathologies such as fractures, digital deformities, Coalitions
  • Soft tissue pathologies such as plantar fasciitis, muscle pathology, tendon pathology
  • Principles for mechanical treatment, indications, contraindications, practical use of orthoses, footwear and electrophysical therapies
  • Introduction to footwear mechanics and modifications


Student must be active in program [50021] Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine or [50022] Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (Honours).

Students must have successfully completed HUBS1108 and PDTY1003.

If you have successfully completed PDTY2103 you cannot enrol in this course.

Assumed knowledge

Anatomy and Physiology

Assessment items

Practical Demonstration: Practical Exam

Case Study / Problem Based Learning: Case Study

Formal Examination: Final Examination

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.