
Placement is an exciting part of your time at University, giving you an experience of what it's like to work as a professional in real-life situations, but it also requires preparation and hard work. Knowing what is required of you will help you make your placement a productive and meaningful experience.

The Student Placement Policy is an important document that you should read before undertaking any placement as part of your studies at the University of Newcastle.

Teaching Clinics

Info about your placement

Many programs at the University of Newcastle have placement requirements. Prior to starting university, it is important that you are aware of the placement requirements for your program. Information is available at the following links:

Additional information for placement

Placement is an exciting part of your time at University, giving you an experience of what it's like to work as a professional in real-life situations.

While on placement, you should demonstrate professional behaviour and comply with all attendance requirements, actively participate in learning experiences, and demonstrate respect.

You should:

  • be punctual
  • dress professionally and adhere to any School or Faculty-specific dress codes (like uniforms)
  • demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • display University student identification card (with photograph) or School-specific placement cards (with photograph) as directed by your School
  • adhere to the rules, regulations and by-laws of the placement facility or business
  • show consideration in regards to the rights and properties of others
  • meet the statutory and / or facility requirements regarding privacy and confidentiality
  • refrain from any form of misconduct such as:
    • inappropriate behaviour and /or language
    • knowingly performing procedures beyond your level of learning
    • demonstrating intimidation
    • argumentation and disrespect

In some placement facilities mobile phones may interfere with the effective operation of electronic equipment. Just in case, make sure your mobile phone is switched off before attending placement unless otherwise informed.