Conditions: FAQs

  1. You must request for service no later than five (5) business days (Monday-Friday) before you depart to Australia.
  1. To request a service you must include your Student ID number (3xxxxxx) or CIE (1xxxxxxx) on your booking form.
  2. The International Student Support Office will confirm your University of Newcastle student number before the airport shuttle service confirms your booking.
  1. The service is agreed to by the University and our Preferred Providers.
  1. Additional charges may apply for:
  • Additional travellers such as family members
  • If your transfer service is not within the designated radius or booked less than five business days before your flight (as per 1).
  1. This will be confirmed to you at the time of your request.
  1. Should you need to cancel or modify your service, please contact our Preferred Providers directly.