Frequently asked questions

For help preparing and submitting applications in our Research Information Management System (RIMS), refer to the Using RIMS page.

If you are preparing a ‘more than low risk’ ethics application, you’ll need to complete a Human Research Ethics Application form and submit it as a supporting document when lodging your full application in RIMS.

The HREA Resources page provides advice on how to create an account to access HREA resources, how to complete the application form, etc. For technical assistance on the HREA system, contact HREA Help on:

We have also developed a suite of tools, templates and tip sheets which University researchers can access on our internal ReSearchHub.

Finally, you can contact your College Research Ethics Advisor or the Human Research Ethics Team.

If you are analysing data that was collected as part of an approved ethics protocol, you do not need to apply for a new ethics approval.

If you are doing more than analysing the original data (such as analysing the data for a new purpose, collecting additional data or seeking to carry out a new activity that varies from the original approved protocol), then you will need to apply for a new ethics approval.

If you are the Chief Investigator (or Student Supervisor), you will most likely need obtain ongoing approval from a human research ethics committee.

If you are a Co-Investigator, you will most likely not need an application, as this will be categorised as 'collaborative research'.

Contact your College Research Ethics Advisor or the Human Research Ethics Team for advice based on your circumstances.

If you are analysing data that was collected as part of an approved ethics protocol, you do not need to apply for a new ethics approval.

If you are doing more than analysing the original data (such as analysing the data for a new purpose, collecting additional data or seeking to carry out a new activity that varies from the original approved protocol), then you will need to apply for a new ethics approval.

Your supervisor should still be able to log into RIMS (our online management system ethics applications) from anywhere at any time.  If your supervisor has trouble accessing RIMS for any reason, they can send an email from their positional email account to expressing endorsement for your application.

Researchers should not begin their research project without receiving official notification of their ethics approval.As per the requirements of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, “a judgement that a human research proposal meets the requirements of this National Statement and is ethically acceptable must be made before research can begin”.

If you think you may need human research ethics approval after you’ve started a project, you must stop your research activities immediately and contact your College Research Ethics Advisor or the Human Research Ethics Team for advice.

Chief investigators for approved ethics projects must submit an annual progress report to the approving ethics review body. Timing of annual progress reports usually coincides with the anniversary date of the initial ethics approval.

For more detail, visit the 'Reporting requirements’ web page.

Not submitting a satisfactory progress report by the due date could affect the status of your ethics approval and therefore your overall research project. For more detail, visit the 'Reporting requirements’ web page.

If you want to make changes to an approved ethics protocol, you’ll need to lodge a variation request with the review body that provided the original approval.

Variation requests must be endorsed before you implement any changes to your research project and can be lodged in RIMS.

You can use the University logo on materials that will be provided to or shared with potential participants, external audiences and stakeholders. This includes:

  • participant information sheets
  • participant consent forms
  • recruitment flyers or posters
  • correspondence to research of funding partners, etc.

Contact the Brand Team (which is part of the University's Marketing and Communications unit) to request the logo, or log a request online here (Please note the online option is for University staff only.)

Any materials that feature the University logo should also be shared with the Brand Team to ensure they comply with the University's Brand Guidelines.

Use of the University logo

Any materials that feature the University's logo need to be reviewed by the Brand Team (which is part of the University's Marketing and Communications unit).

You can submit draft materials to for approval. Please allow five working days for review and endorsement.

Media activity 

If you are contacted by a media outlet or want to use media to promote a certain aspect of your research (i.e., to recruit participants), contact the University's Media Team (02) 4921-5577 or

The Media Team can provide advice about the best outlets to target or how to work with media outlets interested in your research.

Additional media and marketing activities

Researchers should also be familiar with University policies and procedures related to media, social media, copyright, advertising and branding, which you can find on the Marketing and Communications Team SharePoint site here. (Please note the SharePoint site is for University staff only.)

There are limited circumstances that enable the early release of grant funds. This includes, for example, funds required for the commencement of a scholarship or to appoint staff necessary for the development of an ethics application.

Some funding bodies do not allow the early release of funds unless there are exceptional circumstances and written approval is obtained. Researchers should read the funding rules for their particular scheme prior to requesting early release of funds.

Researchers can email with a request for early release of funds. The e-mail should include:

  1. a detailed justification for the early release of funds,
  2. the purpose for which the funds are being sought, and
  3. an indication of the approximate timeframe required to secure the necessary clearances.

If you receive a complaint about the manner in which a human research project is being conducted – or you are a researcher who wishes to lodge a dispute to a decision of the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee – please contact the University's Human Research Ethics Officer in the first instance for advice.

The Human Research Ethics Officer can be reached on (02) 4921 6333 or via email at

University researchers can also access advice about complaints about human research activities in our internal ReSearchHub.