Pride, Affiliation and Engagement

98% of our alumni are proud to be a graduate of the University of Newcastle, with a higher proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander respondents and those based in Asia, who are “extremely proud” to be called one of ours. We believe this speaks volumes for the quality of the University of Newcastle experience.

Additionally, alumni feel the strongest affiliation to their College/School or area of study. In response to this insight, we have allocated a team member to focus specifically on delivering the engagement opportunities you are interested in, with your College/School.

*Please note 'alumni' in the survey infographics and webpages refers to the survey response group.

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics

Alumni survey statistics