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Which MATH course should I enrol in?

Updated 08/12/2022 09.55 AM

Several University of Newcastle degrees require the completion of calculus courses. These courses build upon each other—MATH1120 and MATH2310 courses are the foundation for many advanced science, technology, engineering, and mathematics topics.

Where should you start? This depends on your mathematical background.

Many students will enter university after having completed their NSW HSC in the last two years. If you have successfully completed Advanced Mathematics—with a band score of 5 or higher—or Extension 1 or 2 Mathematics then MATH1110 is the recommended entry point.

If you have a comparable background, but you haven’t completed high school in the last two years or not in NSW, then you must pass the Math Placement Test to enrol into MATH1110.

Alternatively, the course MATH1002 prepares those who don’t meet the requirements for MATH1110. A common pathway is to take MATH1002 in your first semester, and MATH1110 in the next, and then catch up on MATH1120 in a compressed summer term.

The course MATH1001 is for those who need preparation for MATH1002.


If MATH1110 is required for your program, the following questions and answers will assist you in determining a pathway to enrolling in MATH1110.
Do you meet one of the requirements outlined in the requisite information for MATH1110?

  • Yes  - you are able to enrol in MATH1110.
  • No – see below:
    • No, but you think you have the maths background for MATH1110 - you have an option to sit the Maths Placement Test (MPT).
    • No, and you don’t think you have the maths background to pass the Maths Placement Test – if your program has Electives you should enrol in MATH1002 in your first semester of study.  If your program does not have electives please contact your Program Convenor for advice.
      • After completion of MATH1002, you will be able to enrol in MATH1110 in the following semester.
      • If you are unsure if your program has electives – you can check your Program Handbook and Program Planner to check if you have any Electives in your program. If you are still unsure after checking your Program Handbook and Program Planner contact us at



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