Karamjeet, a dedicated student from India, is pursuing a Master of Nursing at the University of Newcastle. With a passion for health care, Karamjeet views nursing as a noble profession that has the power to improve lives and even save them.

“I believe nursing to be a noble profession as they can make someone’s life better and save someone’s life.” says Karamjeet.

By choosing to pursue a Master of Nursing at the University of Newcastle, ranked 28th in the world for Nursing, Karamjeet is equipping herself with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact in the field of healthcare.

After completing her Master of Nursing, Karamjeet plans to apply for a postgraduate work visa in Australia. This opportunity is made available by the Australian Government, allowing students who meet specific criteria to stay in the country temporarily after finishing their studies. This enables them to gain valuable work experience and contribute to the healthcare industry in Australia.

This provides students like Karamjeet, ample time to further develop their skills, contribute to the community, and establish a successful career in the healthcare field.

To promote in-demand industries and living and working in regional areas, students who choose to study with us may be eligible to stay up to 7 years depending on the chosen degree, their level of Australian study qualification, and location*.  

*This information is current as of 30 May 2023. For the most recent and up-to-date details, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website or speak with your agent.

Learn how Karamjeet is making a difference in healthcare

Karamjeet training as a nurse `

Karamjeet Dhaliwal

Karamjeet's dedication to her chosen path stems from her belief that nursing is not merely a job but a calling to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

I believe nursing to be a noble profession as they can make someone’s life better and save someone’s life.

Inspired by Karamjeet's story?

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