Starting her schooling in the UK, graduating in Australia, and growing up with parents as primary teachers were the experiences that sparked Grace's passion for teaching.

“My parents were a huge inspiration to me. Being brought up in a household that was so positive surrounding education and seeing the daily impact teachers can have on children in their class are some of the reasons that I wanted a career in teaching,” she said.

After completing her HSC in 2018, Grace was determined to become the best teacher she could be.

“As a keen sportsperson, I was unsure whether to train in secondary PE or primary. Once I discovered you could train to be a Primary teacher but study a discipline depth in PDHPE I was hooked.

“Newcastle is a beautiful town to study in as well, magical beaches, hundreds of cafes and restaurants and a NRL team - what more could you want?” she said.

It was during her practical placements that Grace’s passion for teaching was solidified.

“Throughout my degree I had a diverse range of placements and rich opportunities to put my university theory into meaningful practice. Placement proved to me that this was the right university degree.

“In my third year I was lucky enough to go to a school just outside of Byron Bay - I know! The school was beautiful and the whole community made us feel welcomed and appreciated. It was this placement that I truly understood the flexibility that the career of teaching has, and the endless possibilities and places that you can travel and teach.

“My final placement is where all the lightbulbs turned on. The four years studying at the University of Newcastle, the courses, mentors, and experiences made me fully equipped and ready to step into a full-term teaching,” she said.

The ‘teachable’ moments inside and outside the classroom are Grace’s favourite part of being a teacher.

“It is when a student says something to you, and you can grab onto that and teach them something meaningful.

“When I am teaching, I feel alive and right where I am meant to be. When you are passionate about what you are teaching you can see the student's eyes light up and they hang off every word that you say,” she said.

Grace’s advice to anyone considering becoming a teacher is to “do it!”

“Teaching is the best job in the world! Each and every day you feel as though you are making a difference - and you are.

“All those interactions that we have with our students inside and outside the classroom matter- the smiles, the friendly face, the high fives, and the empathy are all important. These moments are what students remember and they mean the world to them,” she said.

Now teaching PDHPE/Sport in a local primary school, Grace is working her dream job. Although, Grace says teaching is so much more than just a job.

“Being a teacher is a gift. Each day you shape young minds and create a better future for not only yourself, but for those students and the world around us all,” she said.

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Grace Riley

Hear how Grace’s practical placements reinforced her passion for teaching.

Being a teacher is a gift. Each day you shape young minds and create a better future for not only yourself, but for those students and the world around us all.

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