Studying part time while working full time, Bron Sparkes is about to complete a Master of Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development.

Bron currently works in government, in emergency management.

“My work primarily focuses on national policy and capability development in disaster preparedness, risk reduction, recovery and response,” she said.

As part of her studies, Bron has had the opportunity to complete three CIFAL certified courses.

“I have completed ‘Government Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction’, ‘Private Sector Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction’ and ‘Sustainable Development and the 2030 Development Agenda’,” she said.

CIFAL Newcastle is a United Nations training centre with a focus on disaster resilience and sustainable development and is hosted at the University of Newcastle.

Students in this Master of Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development program develop the best practice knowledge and skills needed to implement the new UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Bron was attracted to this degree as she was seeking evidence-based learning opportunities.

“I was seeking a course of study which would provide me with an evidence-based understanding of disaster risk reduction to enhance my professional practice as it applies to my own role, and more broadly across the emergency management sector.

“The program was particularly attractive as it not only provided UNITAR-CIFAL certifications for specific units of study, but the courses were designed in such a way that I could apply learnings directly to my professional role,” Bron said.

By undertaking CIFAL certified courses as part of her degree, Bron believes she has had an increased exposure to and understanding of a variety of perspectives and ways of thinking.

“I have been exposed to many ways of working towards reducing disaster risk and increasing the resilience of range of different stakeholder groups, private and public organisations, and institutions.

“What I have learned through these courses has helped me analyse complex issues related to disaster management and apply what I have learned to my own professional practice,” she said.

Bron has particularly appreciated that each course is practically oriented and links directly back to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

“I have been able to draw on what I have learned through CIFAL certified courses to develop policy advice related to disaster risk reduction and organisational resilience.

“I know this is backed by evidence, and contributes, in a variety of ways, to progressing the goals and targets of these international agreements,” she said.

As a part time student, Bron enjoyed the opportunity to tie her assignments directly to her own job and experiences.

“Because the coursework was designed around building one’s professional practice, it was flexible enough for me to use assessment tasks to deep dive into topics related to my own work.

“This program has enhanced my own confidence to address different issues that I come across in my work in the disaster management sector and enabled me to target areas for greater inclusion and equity for disaster risk reduction.

“Even as an online student, I have appreciated the opportunity to engage with other students in the course and have made some positive and productive relationships with other people working in the emergency management and disaster risk reduction sectors, both in Australia and overseas,” Bron said.

Bron would recommend that prospective students undertake this program.

“Use it as an opportunity to deepen your understanding and enhance your practice of disaster management, regardless of where you operate within the disaster management continuum,” she said.

Bron Sparkes `

Bron Sparkes

As part of her Masters of Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, Bron Sparkes has completed a number of UNITAR-CIFAL certified courses.

The courses were designed in such a way that I could apply learnings directly to my professional role.