Beryl Nashar Young Researcher Award - 2018

Dr Jessica Allen is a young researcher that is making headway in the critical field of clean energy. Her substantial research is already seeing recognition is the fields of low emission coal, renewable energy systems for biomass and solar thermals, and energy storage. Her research aims to apply electrochemical processes to achieve greater efficiencies and sustainability in energy storage and production.

Jessica completed her PhD in 2011 through the CSIRO Energy Centre, with a focus on the hybrid sulphur cycle, which produces hydrogen from water using solar energy.

In 2013, she took up a prestigious post-doctoral position at UON in the Applied Electrochemistry group, later being appointed as a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering and as a Principal Researcher for the Priority Research Centre for Frontier Energy Technologies and Utilisation.

Jessica has published 19 journal articles and received over $1.7 million in funding from industry partners. This includes $1.6 million from NSW Trade and Investment for the development of direct carbon fuel cells (DCFC).

Dr Jessica Allen

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) 2011; Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) 2008

Alumni Excellence Awards

Beryl Nashar Young Researcher Award

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