Speech Intelligibility Clinic

The Speech Intelligibility Clinic offers communication enhancement to individuals who are non-native speakers of English (NNSE).

Some NNSE find that others have difficulty understanding them in English because the sound system of their first language "interferes" with their English pronunciation. Most languages are learnt through vocabulary and grammar with minimal focus on learning the sounds of a second language, how they are made, and the difference between these sounds and those of your native language.

What we offer

We provide weekly group sessions supervised by a qualified Speech Pathologist in conjunction with Speech Pathology students. We aim to provide you with an increased awareness of the differences between your speech pattern and a native English speaker's speech pattern.

Conversation practise in a supportive environment helps minimise breakdowns in communication.

Training in conversation repair strategies for when breakdowns do occur will also be included.

We will give you feedback on your rate of speech, body language and intonation.


  • promote confidence when you are speaking in English
  • increase your understanding and participation in academic activities
  • allow listeners to concentrate more on your message than on your delivery
  • improve your employment prospects

How to make an appointment

Appointments take place in The University of Newcastle's Speech Pathology Clinic, Social Science Building, Callaghan Campus. Directions will be supplied on application.


Speech Intelligibility Clinic
Social Science Building SR-G21
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan 2308
E Monica.Anderson@newcastle.edu.au